
10up Components built for the WordPress Block Editor.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 10upBlockComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@10up/block-components';


10up Block Components

A collection of components built to be used in the block editor.

Support Level


A collection of components built to be used in the block editor. These components do not include any build files and do not bundle the WordPress components. Therefore these need to be used in an environment where the Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin is used and the import { component } from '@wordpress/package'; is supported. If your project is using 10up Scripts, this is handled automatically.


  1. Run npm install --save @10up/block-components within your WordPress theme or plugin.
  2. Within your block editor code, import the relevant component(s) e.g. import { ContentPicker } from '@10up/block-components';
  3. We highly recommend you use @10up/scripts to build your block files as it handles dependency extraction for you.


A Content Picker component that allows you to pick posts and pages very easily.

Content picker in action


import { ContentPicker } from '@10up/block-components';

function MyComponent( props ) {

    return (
            onPickChange={ (pickedContent) => { console.log(pickedContent) } }
            label={ "Please select a Post or Page:" }
            contentTypes={ [ 'post', 'page' ] }


Name Type Default Description
onPickChange function undefined Callback function the list of picked content gets changed
label string '' Renders a label for the Search Field.
mode string 'post' Either post or term
placeholder string '' Renders placeholder text inside the Search Field.
contentTypes array [ 'post', 'page' ] Names of the post types or taxonomies that should get searched
maxContentItems number 1 Max number of items a user can select.
isOrderable bool false When true, will allow the user to order items. Must be used in conjunction with maxContentItems > 1
uniqueContentItems bool true Prevent duplicate items from being picked.
excludeCurrentPost bool true Don't allow user to pick the current post. Only applicable on the editor screen.
content array [] Array of items to prepopulate picker with. Must be in the format of: [{id: 1, type: 'post', uuid: '...',}, {id: 1, uuid: '...', type: 'page'},... ]. You cannot provide terms and posts to the same picker. uuid was added as of version 1.5.0. It is only used as the React component list key in the admin. If it is not included, id will be used which will cause errors if you select the same post twice.
perPage number 50 Number of items to show during search
NOTE: Content picker cannot validate that posts you pass it via content prop actually exist. If a post does not exist, it will not render as one of the picked items but will still be passed back as picked items if new items are picked/sorted. Therefore, on save you need to validate that all the picked posts/terms actually exist.

The contentTypes will get used in a Rest Request to the search endpoint as the subtypes:

apiFetch( {
    path: `wp/v2/search/?search="${keyword}"&subtype="${contentTypes.join(',')}"&type=${mode}`
} )...


A component that lets you search through posts and pages. This component is used by Content Picker. This component provides only the searching functionality and does not maintain any list of chosen items.


import { ContentSearch } from '@10up/block-components';

function MyComponent( props ) {

    return (
            onSelectItem={ (item) => { console.log(item) } }
            label={ "Please select a Post or Page:" }
            contentTypes={ [ 'post', 'page' ] }


Name Type Default Description
onSelectItem function undefined Function called when a searched item is clicke
label string '' Renders a label for the Search Field.
mode string 'post' Either post or term
placeholder string '' Renders placeholder text inside the Search Field.
contentTypes array [ 'post', 'page' ] Names of the post types or taxonomies that should get searched
excludeItems array [ { id: 1, type: 'post' ] Items to exclude from search
perPage number 50 Number of items to show during search


Determine whether one of the inner blocks currently is selected.


import { useHasSelectedInnerBlock } from '@10up/block-components';

function BlockEdit( props ) {
    const hasSelectedInnerBlock = useHasSelectedInnerBlock(props);

    return (
            { hasSelectedInnerBlock ? 'InnerBlocks are selected' : 'InnerBlocks are not selected' }


Custom hook to to make a request using getEntityRecords or getEntityRecord that provides data, isLoading and invalidator function. The hook determines which selector to use based on the query parameter. If a number is passed, it will use getEntityRecord to retrieve a single item. If an object is passed, it will use that as the query for getEntityRecords to retrieve multiple pieces of data.

The invalidator function, when dispatched, will tell the datastore to invalidate the resolver associated with the request made by getEntityRecords. This will trigger the request to be re-run as if it was being requested for the first time. This is not always needed but is very useful for components that need to update the data after an event. For example, displaying a list of uploaded media after a new item has been uploaded.


  • {string} entity The entity to retrieve. ie. postType
  • {string} kind The entity kind to retrieve. ie. posts
  • {Object|Number} Optional. Query to pass to the geEntityRecords request. Defaults to an empty object. If a number is passed, it is used as the ID of the entity to retrieve via getEntityRecord.


  • {Array}
    • {Array} Array containing the requested entity kind.
    • {Boolean} Representing if the request is resolving
    • {Function} This function will invalidate the resolver and re-run the query.


Multiple pieces of data.

const ExampleBockEdit = ({ className }) => {
    const [data, isLoading, invalidateRequest ] = useRequestData('postType', 'post', { per_page: 5 });

    if (isLoading) {
        return <h3>Loading...</h3>;
    return (
        <div className={className}>
                {data &&
                    data.map(({ title: { rendered: postTitle } }) => {
                        return <li>{postTitle}</li>;
            <button type="button" onClick={invalidateRequest}>
                Refresh list

Single piece of data

const ExampleBockEdit = ({ className }) => {
    const [data, isLoading, invalidateRequest ] = useRequestData('postType', 'post', 59);

    if (isLoading) {
        return <h3>Loading...</h3>;
    return (
        <div className={className}>

                {data &&( <div>{data.title.rendered}</div>)}

            <button type="button" onClick={invalidateRequest}>
                Refresh list


A wrapper component that only renders child components if the current user has admin capabilities. The use case for this component is when you have a certain setting that should be restricted to administrators only. For example when you have a block that requires an API token or credentials you might only want Administrators to edit these. See 10up/maps-block-apple for a real world example.


import { IsAdmin } from '@10up/block-components';

function MyComponent( props ) {

    return (
            fallback={ <p>Sorry, you are not allowed to do that</p> }
            <p>Only Administrators can see what you put in here</p>


Name Type Default Description
fallback ReactElement null Element that will be rendered if the user is no admin
children ReactElement(s) 'null' Child components that will be rendered if the user is an Admin


This component is passed to an InnerBlocks instance to as it's renderAppender to provide a customized button that opens the Block Inserter.


import { CustomBlockAppender } from '@10up/block-components';
const MyComponent = ({clientId}) => {
        renderAppender={() => (
                label={__('Insert Accordion content', '10up-block-library')}


Name Type Default Description
rootClientId string '' Client it of the block
buttonText string '' Text to display in the button
icon string 'plus' Icon to display.
..buttonProps object null' Any other props passed are spread onto the internal Button component.


This component creates a horizontal slider with inner blocks inside of it.


import { InnerBlockSlider } from '@10up/block-components';
const MyComponent = ({clientId}) => {


Name Type Default Description
allowedBlock string '' Block type to be allowed inside ofthe slider
slidesPerPage integer 1 Number of slides to show per page
parentBlockId string '' Client ID of parent block. This is required.


The registerBlockExtention API is a wrapper to make it easier to add custom settings which produce classnames to any blocks. There are a few problems with using block styles for customisations. For one an editor cannot combine block styles. So you very quickly land in a sittuation where you need to add many block styles just to give an editor the ability to choose exactly the combination of options they want. That leads to a bad user experience though as the previews take up a ton of space and also make the editor slower due to the overhead of the iframes it creates. So in many cases it is nicer to extend a bock with custom settings to achive the same goal. The process of registering your own attributes, modifying the blocks edit function, adding the new classname to the editor listing and also adding it to the frontend is rather cumbersome though. That is where this API comes in. It is a wrapper for the underlying filters that improves the editorial experience and reduces the amount of code that needs to get maintained in order to extend blocks.


import { registerBlockExtention } from '@10up/block-components';

 * BlockEdit
 * a react component that will get mounted in the Editor when the block is
 * selected. It is reccomended to use Slots like `BlockControls` or `InspectorControls`
 * in here to put settings into the blocks toolbar or sidebar.
 * @param {object} props block props
 * @returns {JSX}
function BlockEdit(props) {...}

 * generateClassNames
 * a function to generate the new className string that should get added to
 * the wrapping element of the block.
 * @param {object} attributes block attributes
 * @returns {string}
function generateClassNames(attributes) {...}

        extentionName: 'background-patterns',
        attributes: {
            hasBackgroundPattern: {
                type: 'boolean',
                default: false,
            backgroundPatternShape: {
                type: 'string',
                default: 'dots',
            backgroundPatternColor: {
                type: 'string',
                default: 'green'
        classNameGenerator: generateClassNames,
        Edit: BlockEdit,


Name Type Description
blockName string Name of the block the options should get added to
options.extentionName string Unique Identifier of the option added
options.attributes object Block Attributes that should get added to the block
options.classNameGenerator funciton Funciton that gets passed the attributes of the block to generate a class name string
options.Edit funciton BlockEdit component like in registerBlockType only without the actual block. So onyl using slots like the InspectorControls is advised.
## Support Level

Active: 10up is actively working on this, and we expect to continue work for the foreseeable future including keeping tested up to the most recent version of WordPress. Bug reports, feature requests, questions, and pull requests are welcome.


Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct and CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the process for submitting pull requests to us.

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