
Node cloudevents specification and helper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 1millCloudevents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@1mill/cloudevents';




This is an implementation and extention of the CloudEvents v1 specification to easily build cloudevents with origin history.


<script src="https://unpkg.com/@1mill/cloudevents@4.0.0/dist/index.umd.js">


npm install @1mill/cloudevents@^4
const { Cloudevent } = require('@1mill/cloudevents') // CommonJs
import { Cloudevent } from '@1mill/cloudevents' // EMS

const cloudevent = new Cloudevent({
  data: JSON.stringify({
    someAttribute: 'yes',
    someOtherAttribute: { thing: true },
  source: 'https://www.my-website.com/my/page/123', // * Required
  subject: '123',
  type: 'cmd.do-this-command.v0', // * Required

// Cloudevent {
//   id: '-of0T1jfpvD7_lOXtynbb',
//   source: 'https://www.my-website.come/my/page/123',
//   type: 'cmd.do-this-command.v0',
//   specversion: '1.0',
//   data: '{"someAttribute":"yes","someOtherAttribute":{"thing":true}}',
//   datacontenttype: 'application/json',
//   dataschema: undefined,
//   subject: '123',
//   time: '2021-09-06T16:29:26.527Z',
//   origintime: '2021-09-06T16:29:26.527Z',
//   originid: '-of0T1jfpvD7_lOXtynbb',
//   originsource: 'https://www.my-website.come/my/page/123',
//   origintype: 'cmd.do-this-command.v0'
// }

const enrichment = payloadFromMyBusinessProcess()
const myReactionCloudevent = new Cloudevent({
  data: JSON.stringify(enrichment),
  source: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function',
  type: 'fct.this-thing-happened.v0',

// Cloudevent {
//   id: 'N02yLAd_bZeZLGRUl78AS',
//   source: 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:my-function',
//   type: 'fct.this-thing-happened.v0',
//   specversion: '1.0',
//   data: '{...}',
//   datacontenttype: 'application/json',
//   dataschema: undefined,
//   subject: '123',
//   time: '2021-09-06T16:38:49.717Z',
//   origintime: '2021-09-06T16:29:26.527Z',
//   originid: '-of0T1jfpvD7_lOXtynbb',
//   originsource: 'https://www.my-website.come/my/page/123',
//   origintype: 'cmd.do-this-command.v0'
// }
Required Type Default Notes
data Any
datacontenttype String If "data" is present, defaults to "application/json" unless specified otherwise
dataschema String
source yes String process.env.MILL_CLOUDEVENTS_SOURCE Recommended to use universal identifier (e.g. https://my-domain.com/my/feature/path/123)
specversion yes String 1.0 Cloudevent specification version
subject String
type yes String
origintime yes String "time" property "time" property is internally generated as part of the package
originid yes String "id" property "id" property is internally generated as part of the package
originsource yes String "source" property
origintype yes String "type" property

Release new version

npm version <major|minor|patch>
npm run depoy