
Config for 1Password front-end code style using Prettier, ESLint, and Stylelint

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 1passwordFrontEndStyle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@1password/front-end-style';


1Password Front-End Style

This package contains config for 1Password front-end code style using Prettier, ESLint, and Stylelint.


After installing, you'll need to configure your project to use these styles:


Add to your package.json file:

"prettier": "@1password/front-end-style/prettierrc.json"


Create an eslintrc.yml file:

  - "@1password/front-end-style/eslintrc.yml"


Add to your package.json file:

"stylelint": {
    "extends": "@1password/front-end-style/stylelintrc.yml"

SVG Lint

A basic SVG linting tool is included as well, which checks for unnecessary line breaks and tags.

Run with svglint [directory]

IDE Extensions

You should also install the related IDE extensions so you can see issues (and sometimes get them auto-fixed) as you code.

Versioning Expectations

We'll be using semantic versioning when updating the package version number. The following is used to differentiate between the version identifiers.

Format: major.minor.patch

  • major: Any breaking change

    • Example:
      • Adding a package with new rules
      • Upgrading errors (warn to error)
      • major version bump of any NPM dependencies in package.json
  • minor: Any non-breaking change affecting the functionality of the package

    • Example:
      • Downgrading errors (error to warn)
      • minor version bump of any NPM dependencies in package.json, but no major version bump
  • patch: Any change not affecting the functionality of the package

    • Example:
      • Changing code comments
      • Changing the error message of a custom rule
      • Only patch version bumps of NPM dependencies in package.json
      • Updating yarn.lock