
React components as used in 42.nl products.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 42NlUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@42.nl/ui';


42 BV

Components that are commonly used within 42.nl products.

Build status Coverage Greenkeeper

Migration to React Query

In version 3.17 we added support for React Query. We still support React Async, but the library has not been updated for almost 2 years now, and React Query provides more features we would like to use.

Replacing React Async with React Query in your project is done in a few simple steps:

  1. Install React Query by running npm i -S react-query
  2. In your index.tsx file, add the following:
    const queryClient = new QueryClient({
        defaultOptions: {
            queries: {
                // These options will make React Query work similar to React Async
                retry: false,
                refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
                cacheTime: 0
  3. In your index.tsx file, wrap the <App/> in the provider:
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
  4. Search for all occurrences of useAsync(...) in your project and replace them with useQuery(...).

useQuery() requires the first parameter to be a key. You have to provide a unique key for every useQuery. If you used the watch property in useAsync, you have to add the properties you watched to the key. The key is allowed to be an array, so something like useQuery(['users', page, sort], loadUsers) will refetch once page or sort changed. You are allowed to pass an entire object to the array, so useQuery(['users', queryParams], loadUsers) will work as well.

There are multiple ways to pass parameters to the callback. Per default, an object containing the key is passed to the callback. The callback would look like this:

import { QueryFunction } from 'react-query';


function loadUsers({ queryKey }: QueryFunctionContext) {
    // The first item in the array is ignored as it contains the unique key
    const [ , page, sort ] = queryKey;


If you specify the parameters yourself, you have to use a closure like this:

const users = useQuery(['users', page, sort], () => loadUsers({ page, sort }));

Don't forget to add all parameters to the key as well, otherwise when one of the parameters changes, the query will not be called and the result will not be updated.

For more details about how to use React Query, we refer you to their docs.



# with yarn
yarn add @42.nl/ui

# with npm
npm i @42.nl/ui --save


Detailled steps can be found at https://42bv.github.io/ui.


  1. Ensure you have Node.js 10.13+ installed.
  2. Git clone the repository.
  3. From the root of the repository, run npm i to install the dependencies required for development.


First follow the build instructions above. Then to run both the linters and tests, use:

npm test

Or to run them separately, use:

npm run lint
npm run test:ts
npm run test:coverage


We use Storybook to test our components during development. To start up a local storybook, run npm start from the root directory.

Also make sure the test coverage is 100%. To run the tests automatically on every change, run npm run test:watch from the root directory.

If all tests pass, the test coverage is 100% and you want to test the changes in a project of your choice, you can create a local release.

Local release

To prevent multiple prelease publishes for a single feature, we recommend using Verdaccio. Verdaccio enables you to spin up a local NPM registry which in turn allows us to publish multiple versions for testing purposes without polluting the version in NPM.

We recommend the Docker approach instead of locally installing Verdaccio. If you do not want to use Docker, refer to the Verdaccio documentation.

To publish to the Verdaccio registry run npm run dev:publish this will spin up Verdaccio and publish.

You can view Verdaccio here: http://localhost:4873/ it should after a successful dev publish show the packages here.

To verify the release, install @42.nl/ui from the Verdaccio registry in a project of your choice by running: npm install --registry http://localhost:4873.

Now you can test the package locally without a publish to the actual NPM registry.