
Ready-to-use form context and validation for React Applications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 4reactForms from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@4react/forms';


@4react / forms

Ready-to-use form context and validation for React Applications.


Import dependency

npm i @4react/forms

Compose fields

import { Form, FormField, FormData } from '@4react/forms'

const App = () => (
    <FormField name="username" accept={/^\w+$/}>
      {({ update, valid }) => <input ... />}
    <FormField name="password">
      {({ update, valid }) => <input ... />}
      {({ values, valid }) => <button ... />}

Live example



Component that provides a context for a form.

import { Form } from '@4react/forms'

const App = () => (
Name Type Default Description
initialValues object - optional - Initial values for the form fields.


Component that registers a new field for the surrounding form.

import { FormField } from '@4react/forms'


<FormField name="email">
  {({ update, valid }) => (
      onChange={e => update(e.target.value)}
      style={{ borderColor: valid ? 'gray' : 'red' }}
Name Type Default Description
name string - Name of the field
defaultValue any - optional - Default value of the field.
accept Function, RegExp - optional - If provided, this function is used to validate the value of the field. For string fields (and compatible types fields) a RegExp can be use also.
validateOn "init", "update" "update" optional - Use to control which moments are take into consideration for validation. A list of values is also accepted.

This components accept a child function, and provides to it an object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
update Function Required to update the value of the field.
valid boolean Points if last validation is passed or none is executed yet.
value any The stored value of the field (for controlled inputs).


Component that retrieves all values of the current form.

import { FormData } from '@4react/forms'

  {({ values, valid }) => (
      onClick={() => sendData(values)}
Name Type Default Description
validate boolean true optional - Used for performance issues, setting this property to false will disable automatic validation. Manual validation can be triggered by calling the validate method passed to children.

This components accept a child function, and provides to it the following properties:

Name Type Description
values object Object containing all values of the form.
valid boolean Points if the values in all the fields are considered valid. Returns false if no validation is done yet.
validate Function For performance reasons it's possible to force validation only on demand. In these cases invoking this function will validate the entire form.


Alternatively to the use of the above components, it's possible to create custom fields and data consumers, using the following hooks:


This hook will register a new field with the specified name, and returns the same set of properties of the FormField component (see FormField).

import { useFormField } form '@4react/forms'

const MyCustomField = ({ name }) => {
  const { update, valid } = useFormField(name)

  return <input ... />
Name Type Default Description
name string - Name of the field.
options object {} optional - Object accepting all optional props of the FormField component (see FormField).


This hook retrieves collected values of the current form, and returns the same set of properties of the FormData component (see FormData).

import { useFormData } from '@4react/forms'

const MyCustomSubmit = () => {
  const { values, valid } = useFormData()

  return <button ... />
Name Type Default Description
options object {} optional - Object accepting all optional props of the FormData component (see FormData).