Company Preset for Vuetify.
$ yarn add @4tw/vue-cli-plugin-vuetify-preset-4tw
Vuetify version 2.2.0 and higher is required for using presets (see Vuetify's release notes).
Configure Plugin:
Locate the file where you are configuring Vuetify in your project and add the preset to the Vuetify configuration options. See Vuetify's documentation for further information on how the preset configuration is merged into the project.
// src/plugins/vuetify.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib/framework';
import { preset } from '@4tw/vue-cli-plugin-vuetify-preset-4tw/preset';
export default new Vuetify({
Roboto Font:
The preset uses the default Roboto font. Currently, you have to include the font in your own project. This might change in the future
Compilation Time:
Importing Vuetify in the following way might speed up compilation time. See here for further information.
// src/plugins/vuetify.js
import Vuetify from 'vuetify/lib/framework'
You can use all of Vuetify's SASS variables inside your components' style
section. Additionally you can use the variable $app-colors
to access the color values used in this preset.
App Colors:
The following colors are available. To use a particular color, use the map-get mixin like this:
border: 1px solid map-get($app-colors, 'greydark');
Name | Usage/Examples |
primary | Actionable contet like links, buttons |
accent | Use to emphasize importance |
error | System errors, delete buttons |
info | Information snackbar |
success | Success messages, add buttons |
warning | Warning messages, warning icons |
appbargrey | App-Bar background |
greydark | Darker backgrounds, dividers, input fields |
greylight | Lighter backgrounds, buttons |
bodydark | Main textcolor |
bodylight | Light textcolor |