
Get running processes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 667PsList from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@667/ps-list';


ps-list Build Status

Get running processes

Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Primary difference between sindresorhus/ps-list is the use of WMIC instead of fastlist.exe. Additionally, this fork will filter out the PID of the process running the ps-list this PR.

WMIC is a native command-line utility for Windows that provides much more information that available otherwise.


$ npm install @667/ps-list


const psList = require('@667/ps-list');

(async () => {
    console.log(await psList());
    //=> [{pid: 3213, name: 'node', cmd: 'node test.js', ppid: 1, uid: 501, cpu: 0.1, memory: 1.5}, …]

or on Windows:

    => [{caption: "node.exe", 
        cmd: "node   "C:\..\nodemon.js" test.js",
        commandline: "node   "C:\..\nodemon.js" --inspect test.js",
        cpu: 0,
        creationclassname: "Win32_Process",
        creationdate: "20200421203634.377920-420",
        cscreationclassname: "Win32_ComputerSystem",
        csname: "DESKTOP-ARG34AZ",
        description: "node.exe",
        executablepath: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe",
        executionstate: "",
        handle: "12604",
        handlecount: "173",
        installdate: "",
        kernelmodetime: "4687500",
        maximumworkingsetsize: "1380",
        memory: 19742720,
        minimumworkingsetsize: "200",
        name: "node.exe",
        node: "DESKTOP-ARG34AZ",
        oscreationclassname: "Win32_OperatingSystem",
        osname: "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\WINDOWS|",
        otheroperationcount: "9878",
        othertransfercount: "396344",
        pagefaults: "14660",
        pagefileusage: "16584",
        parentprocessid: "10976",
        peakpagefileusage: "23184",
        peakvirtualsize: "4587802624",
        peakworkingsetsize: "31452",
        pid: 12604,
        ppid: 10976,
        priority: "8",
        privatepagecount: "16982016",
        processid: "12604",
        quotanonpagedpoolusage: "19",
        quotapagedpoolusage: "170",
        quotapeaknonpagedpoolusage: "22",
        quotapeakpagedpoolusage: "206",
        readoperationcount: "312",
        readtransfercount: "557407",
        sessionid: "1",
        status: "",
        terminationdate: "",
        threadcount: "14",
        usermodetime: "5312500",
        virtualsize: "4586491904",
        windowsversion: "10.0.19041",
        workingsetsize: "28581888",
        writeoperationcount: "1",
        writetransfercount: "55"}, …]

The uid property is not yet supported on Windows.



Returns a Promise<Array> with the running processes.


Type: Object


Type: boolean
Default: true

Return other users' processes as well as your own.

On Windows this has no effect and will always be the users' own processes.


MIT © June07