
The 8base SDK provides a convient way of initializing an API client to start making GraphQL calls to a workspace.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 8baseApiClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@8base/api-client';


8base SDK - Client Module

The 8base SDK provides a convient way of initializing an API client to start making GraphQL calls to a workspace.

This client library is used by the other 8base service packages to make requests to the 8base API. You can also use it independently to make custom requests to the API.


The Client module exposes a number of different methods that can be used to configure itself. Those functions are listed below with relevant descriptions.

In the most basic case, the client can be used to query public resources from a given workspace.

/* Import client module */
import { Client } from '@8base/api-client';

/* Instantiate new instance with workspace endpoint */
const client = new Client('https://api.8base.com/cjz1n2qrk00f901jt2utcc3m0');

/* Run a query with a callback handler */
  query {
    __schema {
      types {

Should an idToken or apiToken need to get set, the client.setIdToken(tk) method can be used. Under the hood, this will set the supplied value as a Bearer token header on subsequent requests.

/* Set the Token */

/* Run a query with a callback handler */
  query {
    privateResourceList {
      items {

Client Methods

setIdToken(token: String!)

Update the id token.

setRefreshToken(token: String!)

Update the refresh token.

setEmail(email: String!)

Update the user email.

setWorkspaceId(id: String!)

Update the workspace identifier.

request(query: GraphqlString!, variables: Object)

Send request to the API with variables that will be used when executing the query. . Returns promise to be resolved.

/* Set variables */
const variables = {
    search: "ste"

/* Set query */
const query = /* GraphQL */`
  query($search: String!) {
    resourceList(filter: {
        name: {
            contains: $search
    }) {
      items {

/* Run a query with a callback handler */
client.request(query, variables).then(console.log);


There any a number of ways developers can connect to their workspace and begin executing queries. The Client module is only one of them! If you're curious about alternatives for how you can create a client, check out the following video. However, remember that all GraphQL calls are only HTTP post requests – and connecting to your 8base workspace is no different!

Connecting to the API