
The 8base SDK provides an easy way to implement authentication in your client application. Whether you're using 8base Authentication, Auth0, or an OpenID provider, the Auth module helps in managing the authentication flow.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import 8baseAuth from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@8base/auth';


8base SDK - Auth Module

The 8base SDK provides an easy way to implement authentication in your client application. Whether you're using 8base Authentication, Auth0, or an OpenID provider, the Auth module helps in managing the authentication flow.

For further information regarding Auth, please refer to the docs.


  • strategy string Auth strategy.
  • storageOptions
    • storage Kind of storage for auth(window.localStorage by default)
    • storageKey Key to save auth data (auth by default)
    • initialState Initial auth state
  • subscribable boolean Is auth client should be subscribable


The Auth module exposes several different auth strategies. These can be declared as strings or imported from the SDK as AUTH_STRATEGIES. The Auth.createClient function accepts two configuration objects, from which it generates the an authClient that is instantiated per the given strategy.

Some required values include the following:

Auth Strategies

There are currently several different available auth strategies that the SDK supports. They are:

  WEB_8BASE = 'web_8base',
  WEB_AUTH0 = 'web_auth0',
  WEB_OAUTH = 'web_oauth',
  API_TOKEN = 'api_token',
WEB_8BASE and WEB_AUTH0 Example

To initialize a new authClient using the WEB_8BASE or WEB_AUTH0 strategy, refer to the following configuration.

domain, clientId, logoutUrl, redirectUri can be collected from an Authentication Profile created in the 8base management console.

import { Auth, AUTH_STRATEGIES } from "@8base/auth";
 * Creating an Authentication Profile in 8base will provide 
 * you with a Client ID and Domain.
const domain = 'authentication-profile.auth.domain';
const clientId = 'authentication-profile-client-id';
 * The redirect and logout URIs are all configured in the 
 * authentication profile that gets set up in the 8base
 * management console.
const logoutRedirectUri = `${window.location.origin}/logout`;
const redirectUri = `${window.location.origin}/auth/callback`;
 * There are multiple auth strategies that can be 
 * used when using 8base. By default, specifying
 * 'web_8base' will configure the 8base auth client.
const authClient = Auth.createClient(

To initialize a new authClient using the API_TOKEN strategy, refer to the following configuration.

import { Auth } from "@8base/auth";
 * Set the API token generated in 8base management console.
const apiToken = "8base-api-token";
 * Specify the strategy and API token.
export default Auth.createClient(
    strategy: "api_token"
WEB_OAUTH Firebase Example
import firebase from 'firebase';
import { Auth } from "@8base/auth";

  apiKey: "",
  authDomain: "",
  databaseURL: "",
  projectId: "",
  storageBucket: "",
  messagingSenderId: "",
  appId: ""

const firebaseAuth = firebase.initializeApp(FIREBASE_CONFIGURATION).auth();

export default Auth.createClient(
    strategy: "web-oauth"
    authorize (email, password) {
      return firebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(
        .then(() => firebaseAuth.currentUser.getIdToken())
        .then((token) => {
          return token;
    logout() {
      window.addEventListener('unload', () => {

      window.location.href = '/';


An important part of using the SDK's Auth module is properly configuring an Authentication Profile in the management console. Please refer to the Authentication Profile documentation to understand the required steps.

Custom authentication flows are 100% possible in 8base using the userLogin and signUpUserWithPassword mutations. However, the current strategies are excellent at getting users up and running quickly with authentication and we are continuing to improve the auth strategies currently available.