Front-end development workflow from 8bitstudio using gulp and webpack
Make sure Nodejs and yarn are installed and updated. If you don't have a package.json file, create one with npm init
. Add the package to your devDependencies (npm install -D @8bitstudio/workflow
yarn run workflow init
will create the default workflow.config.js file at the root of your project. There you can define settings like the paths. It will also generate a default src folder where you can work in.
workflow, wf [command] [options]
yarn run workflow
– Build files in dist folder.yarn run workflow init
– Init examples files and folder to start the project (multi-choices).
You can add flags to the main command yarn run workflow
-s, --server
– Launch a browsersync server-w, --watch
– Watch files and run compile when change-p, --prod, --production
– Run production env-h, --help
– Show help
– Build files in dist folderworkflow --watch --server
– Start a server and watch changesworkflow --prod
– Build files minimified and optimizedworkflow init
– Init example files and folder
- html: Render pug files. Minimify in production.
- css: Compile SCSS, autoprefix, sourcemaping. Minimify in production.
- js: Use webpack and babel. Compile vuejs files. Sourcemaping. Minimify in production
- static: Just move everything from src to destination folder.
- images: Compress and optimize in production.
- svgSprite: Create sprite with all SVGs in destination folder (will also copy the SVGs).
- translate: Compile .po files into .mo files.
- Thomas Robert - Web design, front-end development
MIT License – Copyright © 2018-present, 8bitstudio