
No UI dependency modal of react

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import NuReactModal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@_nu/react-modal';



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一个兼顾无障碍范围,易用性,且没有 UI 依赖的 React 模态框组件.

@_nu/react-modal 本身不会输出任何样式,所有 demo 样式均来自于@_nu/css-modal


$ yarn add @_nu/react-modal


在你的项目组件库文件夹中创建一个新的 Modal 组件.

   └── Modal/
       ├── index.js
       └── style.css
// components/Modal/index.js
import NuModal from "@_nu/react-modal";
import "@_nu/css-modal";

// 自定义你的模态框样式
import "./index.css";

export default NuDialog;


import React, { useState } from "react";
import Dialog from "./components/Dialog";

function Demo() {
  const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
  return (
      <button type="button" onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>
      <Dialog open={open} onClose={() => setOpen(false)}>
        <h3>hello world!</h3>
        <p>Happy to see you again.</p>
export default App;


<dialog open tab-index="-1" class="nu_dialog_wrap">
  <Mask title={maskTitle} className="nu_dialog_mask" />
  <section class="nu_dialog">
      <Close title={closeTitle} className="nu_dialog_close" />


  className = "",
  children = null,
  open = false,
  active = true,
  lockScroll = true,
  maskTitle = "Mask",
  removeTime = 200,
  disabledPortal = false,
  disableEsc = false,
  closeTitle = "Close",
  closeChildren = <Fragment>&times;</Fragment>,
  onClose = () => {},
  onClickMask = () => {}

Dialog.propTypes = {
   * css class
  className: PropTypes.string,
   * Dialog children, usually the included sub-components.
  children: PropTypes.node,
   * if `> 0`, hide dialog and remove dialog after removeTime
   * else if `0`, remove dialog immediately
   * else, keep exit after hide
  removeTime: PropTypes.number,
   * If `true`, the dialog go through the enter, entring, enterd.
   * If `false`, the dialog go through the exitring, exitred.
  open: PropTypes.bool,
   * If `true`, the dialog can focusable
   * If `false`, the dialog blur
  active: PropTypes.bool,
   * Callback fired when dialog close.
  onClose: PropTypes.func,
   * Callback fired when the `Mask` is clicked.
   * if return `false`, no longer trigger onclick
   * else trigger the onClose
  onClickMask: PropTypes.func,
   * If `true`, when dialog scroll into bottom the body will scroll
  lockScroll: PropTypes.bool,
   * If `true`, the dialog will render where it is defined
  disabledPortal: PropTypes.bool,
   * If `true`, the dialog will not close when click esc
  disableEsc: PropTypes.bool,
   * title of the `Close`.
   * If empty string, the `Close` do not render
  closeTitle: PropTypes.string,
   * title of the mask element.
   * If empty string, the mask do not render
  maskTitle: PropTypes.string,
   * Close children
  closeChildren: PropTypes.node


.nu_dialog {
  transform: translate(0, -50px);
._top .nu_dialog {
  transform: translate(0, -50px);
._bottom .nu_dialog {
  transform: translate(0, 50px);
._right .nu_dialog {
  transform: translate(50px, 0);
._left .nu_dialog {
  transform: translate(-50px, 0);

你只需要定义 .nu_dialog 的起点状态即可。



运行 demo npm start.


@_nu/react-dialog 灵感来自以下几个优秀的开源框架: