Fetch one or more documents from the Preview / Live Terminus content API, based on the current execution domain
$ npm i @abcnews/terminus-fetch
import { fetchOne, search } from '@abcnews/terminus-fetch';
// We export fetchOne by default, as it's most commmonly used:
import fetchOne from '@abcnews/terminus-fetch';
// By default, we assume you want an Article docment from
// Core Media, using News' API key, so you can pass a CMID:
fetchOne(10736062, (err, doc) => {
if (!err) {
// > { id: 10736062, docType: "Article", contentSource: "coremedia", ... }
// ...or you can pass an options object to override the defaults (see API below):
fetchOne({ id: 10734902, type: 'video' }, (err, doc) => {
if (!err) {
// > {id: 10734902, docType: "Video", contentSource: "coremedia", ... }
// You can use promises instead of callbacks:
fetchOne({ id: 123860, type: 'show', source: 'iview' })
.then(doc => {
// > { id: 123860, docType: "show", contentSource: "iview", ... }
.catch(err => console.error(err));
// Searching is also supported:
search({ limit: 3, doctype: 'image' }), (err, docs) => {
if (!err) {
// > [
// { id: 11405582, docType: "Image", contentSource: "coremedia", ... },
// { id: 11404970, docType: "Image", contentSource: "coremedia", ... },
// { id: 11405258, docType: "Image", contentSource: "coremedia", ... }
// ]
// ...for all sources...:
search({ limit: 1, source: 'mapi', service: 'triplej'})
.then(docs => {
// > [
// { id: "maaYa1B4YP", docType: "Artist", ... },
// { id: "mpr9PpbkRd", docType: "Play", ... },
// { id: "mtOKj2DbNK", docType: "Recording", ... },
// { id: "mrDXgzL4Ry", docType: "Release", ... }
// ]
.catch(err => console.error(err));
If your project's JS is currently executing in a page on
, requests will be made to Preview Terminus ({teasable}content
), otherwise they'll be made to Live Terminus ({teasable}content
If you want to direct a single request to Live Terminus, regardless of the current execution domain, pass forceLive: true
as an option.
If you want to direct a single request to Preview Terminus, regardless of the current execution domain, pass forcePreview: true
as an option.
If you want only need a document's metadata (e.g. an article without full text content), pass isTeasable: true
as an option and the document will be fetched from the /teasablecontent/
API, instead of the /content/
declare function fetchOne(
| string
| number
| {
source?: string;
type?: string;
id?: string | number;
apikey?: string;
forceLive?: boolean;
forcePreview?: boolean;
isTeasable?: string;
done?: (err?: ProgressEvent | Error, doc?: Object) => void
): void | Promise<Object>;
If the done
callback is omitted then the return value will be a Promise.
Default options
source: 'coremedia',
type: 'article',
apikey: '54564fe299e84f46a57057266fcf233b' /* (News) */
declare function search(
options: {
source?: string;
apikey?: string;
forceLive?: boolean;
forcePreview?: boolean;
...searchParams: Object;
done?: (err?: ProgressEvent | Error, doc?: Object) => void
): void | Promise<Object>;
...where your searchParams
are additional properties on your options
object, to query the API.
For example, if you wanted the last 20 images added to Core Media, your searchParams
would be:
limit: 20,
doctype: 'image'
If the done
callback is omitted then the return value will be a Promise.
Default options
These are the same as fetchOne
, only split across two options arguments.
This takes an image document returned from terminus (Imge, ImageProxy or CustomImage doctypes) and returns a normalised object including available image renditions.
declare function getImages(doc: any, targetWidths?: number[]): ImageData;
argument (optional) targetWidths
There is no guarantee that the returned object will contain the widths requested using the targetWidths
argument. Consumers of this library should always check the result to see if they got what they wanted and behave accordingly.
Default for this argument is: [160, 240, 480, 700, 940, 1400, 2150]
The argument is optional and behaves slightly differently depending on whether the passed document is from a request to v1 or v2 of the API.
- v1 documents: this argument is completely ignored and the returned object will contain all available image sizes.
- v2 documents: rendition URLs for every available aspect ratio will be generated for every requested width.
Note: There is also no guarantee about which aspect ratios are available for a given image.
Returned object
The results have the following type:
declare type ImageData = {
cmid: string;
title?: string;
alt?: string;
caption?: string;
attribution?: string;
canonicalURL: string;
renditions: ImageRendition[];
declare type ImageRendition = {
width: number;
height: number;
ratio: string;
url: string;
isUndersizedBinary: boolean;
There are a couple of gotchas in here related to image proxies. The cmid
and canonicalURL
properties will be those of the proxy, not the target image. While it's possible to return the ID of the proxied image from v1 documents, it's not on v2. So for the sake of standardisation, both will return the proxy ID and URL.
In v2 responses, it's possible that the binary URL a rendition points to is acctually smaller than the dimensions in the object. This is because small originals are never upscaled by the image resizer, but can still be requested. This situation is flagged by the isUndersizedBinary
To run the /example
- Start the development server with:
npm run example
- Visit
- Open the browser's development console
npm run release
will handle version bumping, git pushing and npm publication for you.
- Colin Gourlay (