
An easy to use orabledb wrapper with pagination and large result support.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import acMooreIncOracledbWrapper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ac-moore-inc/oracledb-wrapper';


OracleDb Wrapper

An easy to use orabledb wrapper with pagination and large result support.

Created and maintained by the A.C. Moore software engineering team.



Create the connection pools for provided databases



config: object

A configuration object containing information related to the database is required to connect. It is utilized by prepareService and close

config Example:
    databaseName: {
        'connectString': 'dbconnect',
        'poolMin': 4,
        'poolMax': 200,
        'poolIncrement': 4,
        'poolTimeout': 60,
        'user': 'db_user_name',
        'password': 'db_pass',
        'queueRequests': true,
        'queueTimeout': 0
    other db connections...


If connection is passed return same connection, otherwise create the connection

getConnection(databaseOrConnection, callback);



Pass the database name as a string or an existing connection


Releases the database connection

release(connection, info);



Reference to the established connection

info: string

Debugging information, will be logged if any error is encountered while releasing the connection


Closes the database connection pool

close(config, callback);



See prepareService


Executes a select query to the database

executeQuery(options, callback);


options: object
Field Type Required Value
conn database connection true database connection
db string true database name as defined in the config object used to prepare the service
qrydata object false object containing query data, details below
flatQry string false string defining the query to be executed
bindvars object or array false defines the bind variables for the query, details below
outFormat oracledb type false defines the outformat of the query. defaults to oracledb.OBJECT
Field Type Required Value
fields string true fields to be retrieved in query
from_objects string true objects to be queried
where_clause string false additional criteria for query
order_by string false field or fields to order results by
bindvars: object
Field Type Required Value
val value type false the value being used in the package call, omitted if value is out bound
type oracledb type false the oracledb type of the value, only required if value is vartype
dir oracledb.BIND_IN/BIND_OUT/BIND_INOUT false defines if value is in bound, out bound, or both
###### bindvars object Example:
var bindvars = {
val: employeeId,
type: oracledb.NUMBER,
dir: oracledb.BIND_IN
type: oracledb.STRING,
dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT
v_Return: {
type: oracledb.NUMBER,
dir: oracledb.BIND_OUT
##### bindvars: array
If the bind variables are simple values, they can be passed in an array
###### bindvars array Example:
var iemployee_id = employeeId
var iemployee_name = employeeName
var bindvars = [iemployee_id., iemployee_name];


Executes a package call to the database

executePkg is also capible of executing select and update statements. Unlike selectQuery, executePkg is not optimized to retrieve large sets of data.

executePkg(options, callback);

If connection is passed in the options variable then query considered to be part of transaction and there will be no commit

If connection is not passed in the options variable then query considered to be a standalone query and there will be an autoCommit


options: object
Field Type Required Value
conn database connection true database connection
db string true database name as defined in the config object used to prepare the service
qry string false string defining the package call to be executed
bindvars object or array false defines the bind variables for the query, see executeQuery for exmaples


Builds bind variables object for package calls.

buildBindVariables(inputStructure, input);


inputStructure: Array
Elements: [Field name, Type, Dir, Required(boolean)]
Types Mapping:
Symbol Value
S String
N Number
D Date
Dirs Mapping:
Symbol Value
###### inputStructure Example:
let inputStructure = [
['employee', 'S', 'I', true],
['salary', 'N', 'I', true],
['hire_date', 'D', 'I', false]
['entry_id', 'N', 'O'],
['error_message', 'S', 'O']
##### input: Object
The input object property names must match the field names in inputStructure
###### input Example:
let input = {
employee: 'Sally Sales',
salary: 100000,
hire_date: '2017-03-17T17:47:08.000Z'