
Angular 2 Interface for composer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aca1A2Composer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@aca-1/a2-composer';


Angular 2 - Composer Library

Note:: You can create your own components that are customised for your application. Composer does all the heavy lifting allowing maximum flexibility for app integration.



The binding attribute can be attached to any element to manage the data for a device property.

<div binding [(value)]="value" [sys]="'sys-B0'" [mod]="module" [index]="2" [bind]="'power'" exec="switch" [params]="[value, value1, value2]"></div>

Name Binding Direction Valid Types Description
value Two-way Read & Write String Value of the bound. Updates when servers value is changed.
sys One-way Write-only String Identifier of the system to connect
mod One-way Write-only String Identifier of the module in the system to use e.g. Display
index One-way Write-only Number Index of the module in the system. Default: 1
bind One-way Write-only String Name of the variable in module to bind
exec One-way Write-only String Name of the function to execute on the server when the binding value changes. If undefined no function call will occur. If defined as empty function name will be bind value
params One-way Write-only Any[] Array parameters to pass into the function on the server. Defaults to value


The debug attribute can be attached to any element to get logging information for the selected device.

<div debug [(output)]="value" [sys]="'sys-B0'" [mod]="module" [index]="2" enabled="true"></div>

Name Binding Direction Valid Types Description
output Two-way Read & Write String Array of Debugging messsages on set module
sys One-way Write-only String Identifier of the system to connect
mod One-way Write-only String Identifier of the module in the system to use e.g. Display
index One-way Write-only Number Index of the module in the system. Default: 1
enable One-way Write-only String Enables debugging. Output will not update if false


System Service

The systems service performs all the interactions on bindings.

Authentication details are setup through this service.

Resources Service

The resources service is used to make accessing Control API simple.

Usage in Web Workers

Running Angular 2 in web worker limits the access to certain global scope variables. As the auth needs local and session storage to operate correctly you will need to register a Message Broker in you app so that the auth can operate.

An example of how to register this message broker is given below.

import {WORKER_UI_LOCATION_PROVIDERS, bootstrapWorkerUi} from '@angular/platform-webworker';
import { DataStoreBroker } from '@aca-1/a2-composer';

bootstrapWorkerUi('webworker.bundle.js', WORKER_UI_LOCATION_PROVIDERS).then((ref) => {
    let broker = new DataStoreBroker(ref);

You also need to add the DataStoreWorkerService to root module so that the worker communcates with the broker.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '@angular/http';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { WorkerAppModule, WORKER_APP_LOCATION_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/platform-webworker';
import { ACA_COMPOSER_MODULE, DataStoreService, DataStoreWorkerService } from '@aca-1/a2-composer';

  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    RouterModule.forRoot(ROUTES, { useHash: true }),
  providers: [
    { provide: DataStoreService, useClass: DataStoreWorkerService }
export class AppModule {



MIT © Alex Sorafumo