
Local node process to consume smart contract source files and compile to WASM/ABI files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import accToppingsApiAccCompiler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@acc-toppings/api-acc-compiler';


api-acc-compiler NPM Version

Self-contained Node.JS server that can perform the following functions:

  • Compile a smart contract to generate an .abi file
  • Compile and deploy a smart contract to the blockchain in a single step
  • Import a ready-made .abi file to go with the deployment of a smart contract

Under the hood, these functions create a Docker container running acc.cdt. More information about this can be viewed here.


Navigate to the root of this package and run yarn install if running separately from the rest of the tools. Once all dependencies have been installed, navigate to the ./docker-acc-cdt folder and run ./build_acc_cdt_docker.sh to build the Docker image. This is necessary as the service will execute shell script code which spins up the Docker container transiently (disposed after it has finished the task).

Afterwards, navigate back to the root and do yarn start to spin up the local service.


/api/acc/compile - POST method

A POST method that compiles a group of source files for the smart contract based on a provided source input. It accepts the following as parameters:

  1. source - <String> - An absolute file path to the entry file of the smart contract. The filename with file extension will be passed to acc-cpp as the primary argument for compilation.

It will return the following:

    wasmLocation: - <String> - full path of the compiled WASM file
    abi: - <String> - full path of the ABI file
    abiContents: - <String> - Stringified contents of the ABI file
    errors: - <Array[String]> - List of possible errors
    stdout: - <Array[String]> - Line by line contents of the standard output of the compiler
    stderr: - <Array[String]> - Line by line contents of the standard error of the compiler
    compiled: - <Boolean> - Helper field to determine if file has been compiled or not

Note, that it will use the folder containing the entry file indicated in source as the container for all dependencies of the file.

/api/acc/import - POST method

A POST method which takes a file name and the contents of that file as an input, writing the file to a pre-determined location in the API server so it can be used for smart contract deployment. Use this API method as a back up for cases when compiling the ABI did not work. It accepts the following as parameters:

  1. abiName - <String> - A file name with file extension such as abi_file.abi
  2. content - <String> - The raw stringified content of the .abi file to import

It will return the following:

    abiPath: - <String> - The full path of the imported ABI file
    errors: - <Array[String]> - List of possible errors
    imported: - <Boolean> - Helper field to determine if the file has been compiled or not

/api/acc/deploy - POST method

A POST method that compiles a group of source code files for the smart contract based on a provided source input. Afterwards, it will deploy the compiled smart contract to the blockchain at endpoint with the account_name permission signed with private_key. Optionally, if abiSource is provided, the service will use the .abi file at abiSource instead of generating the .abi file itself. It accepts the following as parameters:

  1. source - <String> - An absolute file path to the entry file of the smart contract. The filename with file extension will be passed to acc-cpp as the primary argument for compilation.
  2. endpoint - <String> - The full endpoint of the nodeacc instance the user wishes to deploy the contract to
  3. account_name - <String> - The name of the account that will sign and deploy this contract
  4. private_key - <String> - The private key of the account's permission. Be aware to use the correct private key. Otherwise, you may receive an error.
  5. [abiSource] - <String> - An absolute file path to the imported .abi file to use instead of the default behavior. Optional field.

It will return the following:

    wasmLocation: - <String> - full path of the compiled WASM file
    abi: - <String> - full path of the ABI file
    abiContents: - <String> - Stringified contents of the ABI file
    output: - <Object> - Trimmed result of the deployment action, in cases of deployment success
    errors: - <Array[String]> - List of possible errors
    stdout: - <Array[String]> - Line by line contents of the standard output of the compiler
    stderr: - <Array[String]> - Line by line contents of the standard error of the compiler
    compiled: - <Boolean> - Helper field to determine if file has been compiled or not
    deployed: - <Boolean> - Helper field to determine if file has been deployed or not

Note, that it will use the folder containing the entry file indicated in source as the container for all dependencies of the file.