
The CI tool allows you to run automated accessibility tests against a specified url. It will run silently until crawling is complete unless you specify it to do another function on top of the crawling, for example, you can ask the crawler to write the results to a file on completion.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import accessibilityToolsCi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@accessibility-tools/ci';



The CI tool allows you to run automated accessibility tests against a specified url. It will run silently until crawling is complete unless you specify it to do another function on top of the crawling, for example, you can ask the crawler to write the results to a file on completion.

Getting Started


Before getting started with setting the project up locally, I assume the following are already installed on your computer:


Install the CLI by running:

npm install @accessibility-tools/ci -g

Once installed you can run the cli using the aci command. For a list of available configuration options, you can run aci --help.

Running the application

To run the application, simply run:

aci [options]

See all valid flags that you can pass

aci --help

Flag configurations can be found in the parse-args helper script.

Example usage

Scan a whole site

aci https://example.com


aci -s https://example.com

Limit the amount of pages scanned

aci https://example.com -l 1

Scan a whole site and display results in the terminal

aci https://example.com -d

Ignore fragment links and query params

aci https://example.com -i -q

Built With


Please read Contribution guidelines for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

When you are ready to begin contributing, you can pull the repository by running:

git clone git@github.com:accessibility-tools/CI.git

Move into the directory and install the dependencies

cd a11y-ci
npm install

Now you should be good to go!


For this project we use Semantic Versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the Licence file for details.

Direct and Indirect contributors