
✨ work with request

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import acheetahkRequest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@acheetahk/request';



@acheetahk/request ⛵ . supports all node.js request methods for HTTP/HTTPS and includes the best proxy and file download modules.

codecov build npm

Please use version greater than 2.9.0

Methods Nav


npm install @acheetahk/request

cnpm install @acheetahk/request

yarn add @acheetahk/request


    "@types/express": "^4.17.8",
    "@types/form-data": "^2.5.0",
    "axios": "^0.21.0",
    "form-data": "^3.0.0"



fastRequest - get

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'GET' });

fastRequest - post

  import { fastRequest } from '@acheetahk/request';
  const response = await fastRequest({ url: <YOUR URL>, method: 'POST', data: { value: 'test post' } });

fastRequest - options

param type explain require
url string url true
headers any header false
query any Concatenate parameters in the URL false
data any data Apply only to these request methods 'PUT', 'POST', and 'PATCH' false
timeout number timeout Units are seconds false
withCredentials boolean allows cookie information to be carried across domains false
responseType arraybuffer blob document json text stream response-type false
onUploadProgress (progressEvent: any) => void Configure the progress on upload false
onDownloadProgress (progressEvent: any) => void Configure the progress on download false
proxy { host: string, port: number, auth: { username: string, password: string } } Configure proxy false
decompress boolean indicates whether or not the response body should be decompressed false


fastFormData - example

  import * as fs from 'fs';
  import { fastFormData } from '@acheetahk/request';

  const response = await fastFormData(
      data: {
        name: 'test formData',
        file: fs.createReadStream(resolve(__dirname, './xx.xx')),

fastFormData - options

param type explain require
url string Resources to address true
data any form-data body true
configs RequestOptions ⬇️ 👀 true

fastFormData - options - configs

param type explain require
headers any header false
timeout number timeout Units are seconds false
withCredentials boolean allows cookie information to be carried across domains false
responseType arraybuffer blob document json text stream response-type false
onUploadProgress (progressEvent: any) => void Configure the progress on upload false
onDownloadProgress (progressEvent: any) => void Configure the progress on download false
decompress boolean indicates whether or not the response body should be decompressed false


Delegate to the specified express.js / nest.js service

fastProxy - example for nest.js

import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core';
import { Module, All, Controller, HttpCode, HttpStatus, InternalServerErrorException, Req } from '@nestjs/common';

class DemoController {
  async demo(@Req() requset: Request) {
    try {
      await fastProxy(
          host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
          port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
          isRewrite: true,
          rewrite: '/demo',
          body: requset.body,
          path: requset.originalUrl,
          headers: requset.headers,
    } catch (error) {
      throw new InternalServerErrorException('Error');

const app = await NestFactory.create(CoreModule, { cors: true });
await app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - example of express.js

import * as express from 'express';
import { fastProxy } from '@acheetahk/request';

const app = express();

const router = express.Router();

app.use('/express', router);

router.all('*', async (requset: Request, response: Response) => {
  await fastProxy(
      host: '<The server host that requires a proxy>',
      port: '<The server port that requires a proxy>',
      isRewrite: true,
      rewrite: '/express',
      body: requset.body,
      path: requset.originalUrl,
      headers: requset.headers,

const server = app.listen(8000);

fastProxy - options

param type explain require
req express.request The bottom layer is HTTP.IncomingMessage true
res express.response The bottom layer is HTTP.ServerResponse true
options ProxyOptions ⬇️ 👀 true

fastProxy - options - options

param type explain require
host string The server host that requires a proxy true
port number The server port that requires a proxy true
path string The routing address true
headers any The request header true
body any The request body false
timeout number timeout Units are seconds false
isRewrite boolean Whether to override the routing address false
rewrite string example of rewrite rule: '/express' ==> '/' or '/express/test' ==> '/test' false


fileDownload - example

Download the file and return to the local file path

import { resolve } from 'path';

const path = resolve(__dirname, './fileDownload');
const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;

// result -> The full path of the downloaded file
const result = await fileDownload(url, path);

fileDownload - args

param type require
url string true
path string true


fileToStr - example

Convert the network file into a string of the specified encoding

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToStr(url);

fileToStr - args

param type explain require
url string url true
type string Encoding type, the default is base64 true


fileToBuffer - example

Convert web files to Buffer

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToBuffer(url, path);

fileToBuffer - args

param type require
url string true


fileToDuplexStream - example

Convert web files to Duplex Stream

const url = <YOUR FILE URL>;
const result = await fileToDuplexStream(url, path);

fileToDuplexStream - args

param type require
url string true


bufferToStream - example

const result = await bufferToStream(buffer);

bufferToStream - args

param type require
buffer Buffer true