
Generate a random string of specified length, and satisfying specified constraints

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ackIncRandStr from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ack_inc/rand-str';



Generate a random string (lower/upper alphabets, digits, symbols) of specified length, and satisfying the specified constraints

If no constraints are specified, the library assumes all characters are allowed

Main use case: password or temporary token generation

Deprecation Notice

As of 9 May 2021, this function has been subsumed into the ack_inc/node-utils repo

This package will no longer be updated


const rsg = require('@ack_inc/rand-str');
console.log(rsg(<anything but a whole number>)); //=> throws TypeError
console.log(rsg(0)); //=> ""
console.log(rsg(5)); //=> "3`8aE"
console.log(rsg(5, { lowercase: true })); //=> "fewjk"
console.log(rsg(5, { lowercase: true, uppercase: true, digits: true, symbols: true })); //=> "%q31G"


rsg(nChars, constraints)

Generate a string of length nChars that satisfies constraints



Required. Must be a whole number.


Object specifying what characters can be in the generated string. It can have the following keys:

Key Type Effect
lowercase Boolean if true, include lowercase characters
uppercase Boolean if true, include uppercase chracters
digits Boolean if true, include digits
symbols Boolean if true, include symbols

If constraints is not provided or is empty, it is assumed that all characters are allowed

To Do