
A HTTP client built on fetch API with axios-like API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ackeeAntonioCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ackee/antonio-core';



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HTTP client built on Fetch API.

Table of contents


yarn add @ackee/antonio-core -S


import { Antonio } from '@ackee/antonio-core';

const api = new Antonio({
    baseURL: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/',

function* fetchTodos() {
    // Since api.get returns generator function, `yield*` is required.
    const { data, request, response } = yield* api.get('/todos', {
        params: {
            page: 1,
            limit: 20,


new Antonio(requestConfig?: RequestConfig, generalConfig?: GeneralConfig)

Creates a new instance of Antonio with custom request config and general config:

import { Antonio } from '@ackee/antonio-core';

const api = new Antonio({
    baseURL: 'https://some-domain.com/api/',

Instance methods

api.get(url: string, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.delete(url: string, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.head(url: string, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.options(url: string, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.post(url: string, data: RequestBody, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.put(url: string, data: RequestBody, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

api.patch(url: string, data: RequestBody, requestConfig?: RequestConfig): Generator<any, RequestResult>

generalConfig: GeneralConfig

Optional @ackee/antonio-core configuration:

    // Default is [`loglevel`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/loglevel)
    logger: loglevel,