
This module renders a picture, an icon or a letter in the form of an avatar.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import acpaasUiNgxAvatar from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@acpaas-ui/ngx-avatar';



This module renders a picture, an icon or a letter in the form of an avatar.


import { AvatarModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-avatar';


Visit our documentation site for full how-to docs and guidelines

Avatar module


Name Default value Description
@Input() className: string; '' A custom classname to add to the avatar.
@Input() icon: string; - CSS class for rendering a Streamline icon.
@Input() image: string; - URL to image src, renders an image.
@Input() letter: string; - Renders a string (letter).
@Input() size: sizes; sizes.R The size of the avatar. This can be sizes.R) (regular, default, sizes.S (small), sizes.M (medium) or sizes.L (large)
@Input() title: string; '' The title for the avatar.


import { AvatarModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-avatar';

    imports: [

export class AppModule {};
<aui-avatar image="https://robohash.org/antwerp-ui" title="My image"></aui-avatar>
<aui-avatar icon="ai-alarm-bell" size="L" title="An alarm bell icon"></aui-avatar>
<aui-avatar letter="T" title="The letter T" size="S"></aui-avatar>


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