
Adapter to monitor NodeJS web servers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import acteamItLogAdapterNodejs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@acteam-it/log-adapter-nodejs';


NodeJS Adapter

The NodeJS adapter tracks errors in your NodeJS application and reports them to the ACTEAMLOG service. Precise details help you tracking down and fixing the root cause.


Install the adapter with npm i @acteam-it/log-adapter-nodejs --save

const acteamlog = require('@acteam-it/log-adapter-nodejs');**


Require the adapter at the top of your server and pass the configuration to the init function. The following options are available.


The ticket is the only mandatory information. Each service has an unique ticket and all events sent with this ticket will be attached to the corresponding service.

const acteamlog = require('@acteam-it/log-adapter-nodejs');

acteamlog.init({ ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250'});


Badges contain individual information that will be attached to the reported error. A badge must be of type string. The key of the badge can have up to 100 characters while the value can have up to 200 characters. If these limits are exceeded, the event will not be processed.

    ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250',
    badges: {
        cluster: 'EU',
        serverId: process.env.SERVER_ID


Set the endpoint property to connect to your individual ACTEAMLOG instance at a given address. Please notice that the endpoint property will be preferred to the instance property.

  endpoint: 'http://url:port',
  ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250'

Db file

Set the dbfile property to store events in json local file when endpoint can not be reached. When an error is catch, if endpoint can be reached then all events stored in this file are send.

  endpoint: 'http://url:port',
  ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250',
  dbfile: 'db.json'


Set the secret property in order to encrypt data in AES 256, between adapter and endpoint. The secret default value is NFd6N3v1nbL47FK0xpZjxZ7NY4fYpNYd you must change it.

  endpoint: 'http://url:port',
  ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250',
  dbfile: 'db.json',
  secret: 'secretSentence'

Verifying setup

To test if everything works you can just try to execute an undefined function like so.

  instance: 'demo',
  ticket: '5BD98E1E607Z1EEB0CBF02374DEA9B5A835DF2ADD3910F7250'



If you are using Express, you can also add the ACTEAMLOG middleware at the end of your routes.


The middleware will send all errors to ACTEAMLOG before passing them to the next middleware.

Emit errors manually

You can also emit errors manually by passing an error instance to the emitError method. This is handy for building your own error handling logic.

try {
    const result = 10 * number;
} catch (error) {

On the fly badges

You can also add dynamic badges to a specific error if you want to provide additional information. This can be useful if you, for example, want to identify the user, who is affected by the error.

try {
    const result = 10 * number;
} catch (error) {
    acteamlog.emitError(error, { user: req.user.id });