This library aims to help developer to use NGRX from templates skipping boilerplate code in components.
npm install @actualwave/ngrx-bindings
Normally, to request data from the store in a component, you inject the store into component
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {}
Then create observables for data using selectors
ngOnInit() {
this.users$ =;
this.selectedProduct$ =;
And display the data from observables in HTML via async pipe
<div *ngFor="let user of users$ | async">
<span>{{ (selectedProduct$ | async).title }}</span>
With this library you don't need to inject Store and create observables. What you do is import selectors you want to use
imports: [
And use them in HTML with selector
<div *ngFor="let user of 'getAllUsers' | selector">
<span>{{ ('getSelectedProduct' | selector).title }}</span>
It is possible to select using property path string with
pipe. This library also provides components and directives for selecting data from the store and allows easyier way of creating your custom components and directives for specific selectors.
Let's look into a case when we need some logic depending on data from selector
ngOnInit() { => {
this.header = id === 0 ? "Add User" : "Edit User";
this.title = id === 0 ? "Add User's details" : "Edit User's details";
For example, we will change wording on a page depending on data received from selector
<header>{{ header }}</header>
<title>{{ title }}</title>
To do the same with this library, we will create custom directives
declarations: [
selectHeader: (state: any) =>
fromUsers.getCurrUserId(state) === 0 ? "Insert User" : "Edit User",
selectTitle: (state: any) =>
fromUsers.getCurrUserId(state) === 0
? "Insert user's details"
: "Edit user's details"
And use directives in HTML
<header selectHeader></header>
<title selectTitle></title>
In a most common case(subjective), to dispatch an action you have do inject store and define a component method like
dispatchMyAction(event: Event) {;
Then use it in HTML
<input type="text" (change)="dispatchMyAction($event)">
This library let's you avoid store injection in such cases by providing an event channel. Import actions in your module
declarations: [
imports: [
"dispatchSave": "Save Action Type",
"dispatchChangeTitle": { type: "Change Action Type", meta: "title" },
"dispatchReset": (newValue:any = null) => ({
type: "Reet Action Type",
payload: { value: newValue },
Use channel component in your HTML
<rx-channel #channel></rx-channel>
<input type="text" (change)="channel.dispatchChangeTitle($">
No need to inject store and write methods within every component for such simple action dispatch. Channel component can be used with imported actions in every component within the module where actions are imported. Channel actions can be chained
<rx-channel #channel></rx-channel>
<button (change)="channel.dispatchChangeTitle('').dispatchReset()">Clear and Reset</button>
Note: This library allows using object paths to property in the store to select the value and dispatch action by specifying its type string. This can be useful while developing, but I strongly recommend to refrain from using them after and replace with selectors and action creators as soon as possible.
Here is a classic example with counter updated to use NGRX Bindings on Also I've found random "in-development" project and changed it to use this library, you can check it here.
This library provides multiple ways of selecting data from the Store, using pipes, directives and components. There are two types of each -- one to use NGRX selector and another to use JS path to the property.
Using selector
<div>{{ "selectUpdatedBy" | selector | date }}</div>
Using select
<div>{{ "feature.dates.updatedBy" | select | date }}</div>
These pipes are impure, so they will call change detection on every Store update.
Here is how it looks when using directives
Select with data path:
<span select="feature.dates.updatedBy"></span>
<span selectOnce="feature.dates.updatedBy"></span>
Select using selector name:
<span selector="selectUpdatedBy"></span>
<span selectorOnce="selectUpdatedBy"></span>
And components
Select with data path:
<rx-select value="feature.dates.updatedBy"></rx-select>
<rx-select-once value="feature.dates.updatedBy"></rx-select-once>
Select using selector name:
<rx-selector value="selectUpdatedBy"></rx-selector>
<rx-selector-once value="selectUpdatedBy"></rx-selector-once>
To use selector component, directive or pipe, they should be aware of available NGRX Store selectors. To setup NGRX Store selectors, use SelectorsModule
import { NGRXBindingsModule, SelectorsModule } from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
import * as dateSelectors from "./store/date.selectors";
declarations: [],
imports: [NGRXBindingsModule, SelectorsModule.forSelectors(dateSelectors)],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
All selectors imported with SelectorsModule
can be referenced by UI in this module.
This library provides a dispatch
pipe, which dispatches an action every time value changes.
<div>{{ someValue | dispatch : "valueUpdateAction" }}</div>
And action
pipe to dispatch action using its type.
<div>{{ someValue | action : "Value Update" }}</div>
This will result in dispatching action like:
type: "Value Update",
payload: someValue,
Also, you can create own pipes for specific actions.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
import { valueUpdateActionCreator } from "./store/value.actions";
declarations: [
dispatchValueUpdated: valueUpdateActionCreator,
imports: [],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
Then use it
<div>{{ someValue | dispatchValueUpdate }}</div>
This pipe dispatches selected action with value being passed to action creator or used as payload and returns it unchanged, so it could be chained with other pipes.
Since it is not possible to use pipes with event expressions, like this
<button (click)="$event | dispatch : 'somethingUpdated'">Click Me</button>
I've figured we can use components for dispatching actions and have all the interaction with the Store in template. To make this possible I've created two components -- rx-action and rx-channel. First allows dispatching single NGRX action and second dispatches multiple actions. To make component work, add it to template, reference it with template variable and call its method.
<rx-action #myAction value="TestActionType"></rx-action>
<!-- anywhere in this template -->
<button (click)="myAction.dispatch($event)">Dispatch Action</button>
On button click, it will dispatch action like:
type: "TestActionType",
payload: {}, /* Event Object passed into dispath() method */
To make it work, just add ActionComponent
to the module.
For Action Creators, they should be imported with module to become available and used with rx-channel
import { NGRXBindingsModule, ActionsModule } from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
import { setCurrentDate, updateDate } from "./store/date.actions";
declarations: [],
imports: [
ActionsModule.forActions({ setCurrentDate, updateDate }),
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Note that action creator must accept only one parameter for payload value
( payload: any ) => ({ type: "MyType", payload })
Within this module you can use rx-channel
component, once instantiated it will generate methods setCurrentDate
and updateDate
, which could be called from template like this.
<rx-channel #dates></rx-channel>
<input #newDate />
<button (click)="dates.setCurrentDate()">Set Current Date</button>
<button (click)="dates.updateDate(newDate.value)">Update Date</button>
Here on button click corresponding actions will be dispatched with its argument as payload.
When passing action to action
pipe or rx-action
component or registering with ActionModule.
, they accept
and use it as a type of the action, passed value will be used as payloadobject
assumed to beAction
object is used with passed value as payloadfunction
assumed to be anActionCreator
that accepts a payload value as only argument
When passing action to dispatch
pipe or rx-channel
component, they accept same value types, but treat string
s in a different way -- instead of using it as a type to an action, they use it as a key to lookup for a registered action. However, you can register action using it's type string.
import { NGRXBindingsModule, ActionsModule } from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
setCurrentDate: "Set Current Date",
updateDate: "Update Date",
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Custom UI elements
NGRX Bindings library contains set of factory functions to generate custom UI elements for selectors and actions. These functions generate UI elements that should be declared within a module where you plan you use them.
For every case we have factory to generate single element or bulk creation of multiple elements. For example, createSelectorDirective
creates single directive and createSelectorDirectives
will create multiple directives in bulk and is simply a replacement to multiple calls of createSelectorDirective
Declaration example using methods for bulk generation:
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
declarations: [
dispatchResetData: "Reset Data Action",
"my-action": "Set Data Action",
"my-channel": {
update: "Update Data Action",
remove: "Remove Data Action",
"my-date": dateSelectors.selectDate,
"my-date-once": dateSelectors.selectDate,
myDate: dateSelectors.selectDate,
myDateOnce: dateSelectors.selectDate,
imports: [],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Within this module you will be able to use custom components my-date
and my-date-once
, directives myDate
and myDateOnce
to select data from the Store; and my-action
with my-channel
components to dispatch actions.
All UI components, directives and pipes are parts of NGRXBindingsModule
, importing it will automatically make available all of them.
Action Component
Action component allows dispatching any action to the store. To define action type, action object or action creator, just pass it to type
parameter. It has empty template and will not render anything.
<rx-action type="My Custom Action Type"></rx-action>
<rx-action [type]="{ type: 'My Custom Action Type', meta: myMetaData }"></rx-action>
<rx-action [type]="createMyCustomAction"></rx-action>
After adding to component to template, it can be used via template variable
<rx-action #action type="My Custom Action Type"></rx-action>
<button (click)="action.dispatch(myPayloadData)">Dispatch My Action</button>
Custom Action Components can be created with createActionComponent()
and createActionComponents()
generates single custom component specifying component selector and action. Action can be anything valid for Action component type
componentSelector: string,
action: NGRXAction,
template?: string
) => Class;
generates multiple custom components and requires object as a first argument. Object keys are used as selectors and values as type
parameter values for generated components.
[key: string]: string | Action | (payload: any) => Action;
template?: string
) => Class[];
As optional argument you can pass custom template for createActionComponent()
and createActionComponents()
, this, for example, allows creating elements like
declarations: [
"App Save Settings Action Type",
'<button (click)="dispatch()"> Save Settings </button>'
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
When using ActionButton in HTML, it will send { type: "App Save Settings Action Type" }
action whenever user clicks the button.
Channel Component
Channel Component works with pre-defined Actions and Action Creators, to start working with it, you have to specify actions you want to use in a channel by importing them
import { ActionsModule, NGRXBindingsModule } from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
"dispatchType": "My Action String Type",
"dispatchAction": { type: "My Action Object Type" },
"dispatchActionCreator": (payload) => ({ type: "My Action Creator Type", payload }),
declarations: [UsersComponent]
export class UsersModule {}
Then add to HTML and use with template variable
<rx-channel #actions></rx-channel>
placeholder="Dispatch Action With Payload"
Dispatch Action Object
(click)="actions.dispatchActionCreator({ value: 112233 }).dispatchAction()"
Actions can be chained
Same as Action Component, you can create custom channel components with createChannelComponent()
and createChannelComponents()
. To make custom Channel component there are no need to import actions using ActionsModule.forActions()
, actions are provided when creating custom component
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
declarations: [
createChannelComponent("rx-product", {
"dispatchNameChange": "Product Name Change Action Type",
export class ProductsModule {}
Then this custom Channel component can be used
<rx-product #productActions></rx-product>
placeholder="Product Name"
Data Hub Component
Data Hub Component can be created via createDataHubComponent()
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
import * as fromProducts from "../state/products.selectors";
declarations: [
createDataHubComponent("rx-hub", {
list: fromProducts.getAllProducts,
product: fromProducts.getCurrentProduct
exports: [ProductsEditComponent]
export class ProductsEditModule {}
With value properties list
and product
it also provides observables list$
and product$
for each selector.
It accepts a set of selectors and provides values in HTML via template variable.
<rx-hub #data></rx-hub>
<input type="text" [value]=""/>
{{ (data.product$ | async).description }}
Currently it does not call
when value changes.
Event Hub Component
Event Hub component works just like Data Hub, but instead of providing values directly, it emits events for every value type.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
import * as fromProducts from "../state/products.selectors";
declarations: [
createEventHubComponent("rx-events", {
list: fromProducts.getAllProducts,
product: fromProducts.getCurrentProduct
exports: [ProductsEditComponent]
export class ProductsEditModule {}
Then in HTML it can be used like this
Select Component
Select and Select Once Components show data based on select field path
<rx-select value="myFeature.list[0].value"></rx-select>
<rx-select-once value="myFeature.list[0].value" ></rx-select-once>
It applies path to NGRX Store state and displayes value as is in the component.
Select and Select Once components do not have factory methods to generate custom versions.
Selector Component
Selector and Selector Once Components show data returned from selector. Selectors which can be used with these components must be previously registered with SelectorModule.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
And then used in HTML
<rx-selector value="selectCurrentProductName"></rx-selector>
<rx-selector-once value="selectCurrentUserName"></rx-selector-once>
Just like Select component, it will output value as is.
Selector components provide factory functions createSelectorComponent()
and createSelectorComponents()
to generate custom versions.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
'{{ output | date }}',
export class AppModule {}
Created component does not require any customization and can be used anywhere.
There are also
functions to generate custom Selector Only components.
Select Directive
Select directive reads property path from its attribute
<h2 [select]=""></h2>
<span [select]="products.selected.description"></span>
Selector Directive
Selector and Selector Once directives require registered NgRx Store selectors to work with.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Once registered, selectors can be used by their names
<h2 [selectorOnce]="selectCurrentUser"></h2>
<span [selector]="selectCurrentProductName"></span>
This library provides multiple functions to generate selector directives. createSelectorDirective()
and createSelectorDirectives()
to create custom selector directives for specific slelectors, createSelectorOnceDirective()
and createSelectorOnceDirectives()
to create custom selector once directives.
To create custom directives no need to pre-register NgRx Store selectors, there are specified when generating new custom directive.
const CurrentUserNameDirective = createSelectorOnceDirective("currentUserName", selectCurrentUserName);
Such directive can be used with no value
<h2 currentUserName></h2>
Action Pipe
Action pipe receives a value and dispatches an action with the value as action payload.
<span>{{ property | action : "MyActionType" }}</span>
This will dispatch an action { type 'MyActionType' }
every time property
is changed with value from property
as payload.
You can create custom action
pipes with createActionPipe()
and createActionPipes()
functions with passing pipe names and action types(or action objects or action creator functions).
Dispatch Pipe
Dispatch pipe is used just like action
except it can be used only with actions or action creators registered with ActionsModule.forActions()
declarations: [
imports: [
"dispatchSave": "Save Action Type",
"dispatchChangeTitle": { type: "Change Action Type", meta: "title" },
"dispatchReset": (newValue:any = null) => ({
type: "Reet Action Type",
payload: { value: newValue },
For actinos registered like this, dispatch
pipe can be used by specifying its property name in the object.
<span>{{ property | dispatch : "dispatchReset" }}</span>
Select Pipe
Select pipe can be applied to a string representing a property path.
<span>{{ "myFeature.list[0].value" | select }}</span>
Selector Pipe
Selector pipe should applied to a previously registered selector name.
import {
} from "@actualwave/ngrx-bindings";
imports: [
currentProductName: selectCurrentProductName,
export class AppModule {}
<span>{{ "currentProductName" | selector }}</span>