
Embed 2 allows clients to setup Ada Web Chat in their web application. For further information on how to use Embed, check out our docs repo.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adaSupportEmbed2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ada-support/embed2';


Embed 2

Embed 2 allows clients to setup Ada Web Chat in their web application. For further information on how to use Embed, check out our docs repo.

1. Installation


npm install @ada-support/embed2


yarn add @ada-support/embed2

This will install the Embed 2 package and it's dependencies.

2. Usage

First, import Embed 2 into your App:

import adaEmbed from "@ada-support/embed2";

Second, place the code below to start Embed 2 when the DOM is ready:

  handle: "bot-handle",

In the example above the handle key is a part of AdaSettings. To learn more about other settings, consult the API reference.