
The Ada ReactNative is a small framework that is used to embed your Ada Chat bot into your ReactNative application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adaSupportReactNativeSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ada-support/react-native-sdk';


Ada React Native SDK

Go here for client-facing docs.

Running the example app on Android

  1. To run the application on a simulated Android device, open Android Studio and start an AVD preferably one running Android 11 (API 30)
  2. In a terminal navigate to the example folder, run npm run android:with-install to install all packages and install the module locally. It with automatically start up the simulator and install the app for you.

Running the example app on iOS

  1. In a terminal navigate to the example folder and run npm install
  2. In another terminal, navigate to example/ios and run pod install
  3. Once finished, run npm run ios:with-install. It with automatically start up the simulator and install the app for you.

Deploying to production

  1. Update the version number in the package.json file by incrementing the version value by 1 on the least significant value (eg. if version is 0.0.1, update it to 0.0.2)

  2. Get your PR reviewed and then squash and merge it to master. Merging your PR will automatically trigger the deploy to npm