
Adobe I/O Extensible CLI ******* ******* ****** ****** ***** ***** **** * **** *** *** *** ** ***** ** * ** *

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<script type="module">
  import adobeAioCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@adobe/aio-cli';


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Adobe I/O Extensible CLI

aio cli health

Health badges for the aio-cli and its plugins and modules

Module Version Downloads Build Status Coverage Issues Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-runtime Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-certificate Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-info Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/aio-cli-plugin-events Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/generator-aio-app Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests
@adobe/generator-aio-console Version Downloads/week Node.js CI Codecov Coverage Github Issues Github Pull Requests

Getting started

See the Adobe Developer App Builder docs

Technical requirements

See the App Builder Setting up Your Environment doc


$ npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli
running command...
$ aio (-v|--version|version)
@adobe/aio-cli/8.2.0 darwin-x64 node-v14.17.4
$ aio --help [COMMAND]
  $ aio COMMAND


aio app

Create, run, test, and deploy Adobe I/O Apps

Create, run, test, and deploy Adobe I/O Apps

  $ aio app

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add

Add a new component to an existing Adobe I/O App

Add a new component to an existing Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:add

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:action

Add new actions

Add new actions

  $ aio app:add:action

  -e, --extension=extension  Add actions to a specific extension
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values
  --skip-install             Skip npm installation after files are created
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio app:add:actions

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:ci

Add CI files

Add CI files

  $ aio app:add:ci

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:event

Add a new Adobe I/O Events action

Add a new Adobe I/O Events action

  $ aio app:add:event

  -e, --extension=extension  Add actions to a specific extension
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values
  --skip-install             Skip npm installation after files are created
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio app:add:events

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:extension

Add new extensions or a standalone application to the project

Add new extensions or a standalone application to the project

  $ aio app:add:extension

  -e, --extension=extension  Specify extensions to add, skips selection prompt
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values
  --skip-install             Skip npm installation after files are created
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio app:add:ext
  $ aio app:add:extensions

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:service

Subscribe to Services in the current Workspace

Subscribe to Services in the current Workspace

  $ aio app:add:service

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:add:services

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:add:web-assets

Add web assets support

Add web assets support

  $ aio app:add:web-assets

  -e, --extension=extension  Add web-assets to a specific extension
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values
  --skip-install             Skip npm installation after files are created
  --version                  Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:build

Build an Adobe I/O App

Build an Adobe I/O App

This will always force a rebuild unless --no-force-build is set.

  $ aio app:build

  -a, --action=action        Build only a specific action, the flags can be specified multiple times, this will set

  -e, --extension=extension  Build only a specific extension point, the flags can be specified multiple times

  -v, --verbose              Verbose output

  --[no-]actions             [default: true] Build actions if any

  --[no-]content-hash        [default: true] Enable content hashing in browser code

  --[no-]force-build         [default: true] Force a build even if one already exists

  --skip-actions             [deprecated] Please use --no-actions

  --skip-static              [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets

  --skip-web-assets          [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets

  --version                  Show version

  --[no-]web-assets          [default: true] Build web-assets if any

  --web-optimize             [default: false] Enable optimization (minification) of js/css/html

  This will always force a rebuild unless --no-force-build is set.

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:create [PATH]

Create a new Adobe I/O App with default parameters

Create a new Adobe I/O App with default parameters

  $ aio app:create [PATH]

  PATH  [default: .] Path to the app directory

  -i, --import=import  Import an Adobe I/O Developer Console configuration file
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output
  --version            Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete

Delete a component from an existing Adobe I/O App

Delete a component from an existing Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:delete

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:action [ACTION-NAME]

Delete existing actions

Delete existing actions

  $ aio app:delete:action [ACTION-NAME]

  ACTION-NAME  Action `pkg/name` to delete, you can specify multiple actions via a comma separated list

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yes      Skip questions, and use all default values
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:delete:actions

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:ci

Delete existing CI files

Delete existing CI files

  $ aio app:delete:ci

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yes      Skip questions, and use all default values
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:event [EVENT-ACTION-NAME]

Delete existing Adobe I/O Events actions

Delete existing Adobe I/O Events actions

  $ aio app:delete:event [EVENT-ACTION-NAME]

  EVENT-ACTION-NAME  Action `pkg/name` to delete, you can specify multiple actions via a comma separated list

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yes      Skip questions, and use all default values
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:delete:events

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:extension

Add new extensions or a standalone application to the project

Add new extensions or a standalone application to the project

  $ aio app:delete:extension

  -e, --extension=extension  Specify extensions to delete, skips selection prompt
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values
  --skip-install             Skip npm installation after files are created
  --version                  Show version

  $ aio app:delete:ext
  $ aio app:delete:extensions

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:service

Delete Services in the current Workspace

Delete Services in the current Workspace

  $ aio app:delete:service

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:delete:services

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:delete:web-assets

Delete existing web assets

Delete existing web assets

  $ aio app:delete:web-assets

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yes      Skip questions, and use all default values
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:deploy

Build and deploy an Adobe I/O App

Build and deploy an Adobe I/O App

This will always force a rebuild unless --no-force-build is set.

  $ aio app:deploy

  -a, --action=action        Deploy only a specific action, the flags can be specified multiple times, this will set

  -e, --extension=extension  Deploy only a specific extension, the flags can be specified multiple times

  -v, --verbose              Verbose output

  --[no-]actions             [default: true] Deploy actions if any

  --[no-]build               [default: true] Run the build phase before deployment

  --[no-]content-hash        [default: true] Enable content hashing in browser code

  --[no-]force-build         [default: true] Force a build even if one already exists

  --force-publish            Force publish extension(s) to Exchange, delete previously published extension points

  --open                     Open the default web browser after a successful deploy, only valid if your app has a

  --[no-]publish             [default: true] Publish extension(s) to Exchange

  --skip-actions             [deprecated] Please use --no-actions

  --skip-build               [deprecated] Please use --no-build

  --skip-deploy              [deprecated] Please use 'aio app build'

  --skip-static              [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets

  --skip-web-assets          [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets

  --version                  Show version

  --[no-]web-assets          [default: true] Deploy web-assets if any

  --web-optimize             [default: false] Enable optimization (minification) of web js/css/html

  This will always force a rebuild unless --no-force-build is set.

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:get-url [ACTION]

Get action URLs

Get action URLs

  $ aio app:get-url [ACTION]

  -h, --hson     Output human readable json
  -j, --json     Output json
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yml      Output yml
  --cdn          Display CDN based action URLs
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:info

Display settings/configuration in use by an Adobe I/O App

Display settings/configuration in use by an Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:info

  -h, --hson     Output human readable json
  -j, --json     Output json
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yml      Output yml
  --[no-]mask    Hide known private info
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:init [PATH]

Create a new Adobe I/O App

Create a new Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:init [PATH]

  PATH  [default: .] Path to the app directory

  -e, --extension=extension  Extension point(s) to implement
  -i, --import=import        Import an Adobe I/O Developer Console configuration file
  -s, --skip-install         Skip npm installation after files are created
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output

  -w, --workspace=workspace  [default: Stage] Specify the Adobe Developer Console Workspace to init from, defaults to

  -y, --yes                  Skip questions, and use all default values

  --[no-]extensions          Use --no-extensions to create a blank application that does not integrate with Exchange

  --[no-]login               Login using your Adobe ID for interacting with Adobe I/O Developer Console

  --version                  Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:list

List components for Adobe I/O App

List components for Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:list

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --version      Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:list:extension

List implemented extensions

List implemented extensions

  $ aio app:list:extension

  -j, --json     Output json
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yml      Output yml
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:list:ext
  $ aio app:list:extensions

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:list:extension-points

List all extension points for the selected org

List all extension points for the selected org

  $ aio app:list:extension-points

  -j, --json     Output json
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  -y, --yml      Output yml
  --version      Show version

  $ aio app:list:ext-points
  $ aio app:list:extension-points

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:logs

Fetch logs for an Adobe I/O App

Fetch logs for an Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:logs

  -a, --action=action  Fetch logs for a specific action
  -l, --limit=limit    [default: 1] Limit number of activations to fetch logs from ( 1-50 )
  -o, --poll           Fetch logs continuously
  -r, --strip          strip timestamp information and output first line only
  -t, --tail           Fetch logs continuously
  -v, --verbose        Verbose output
  -w, --watch          Fetch logs continuously
  --version            Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:run

Run an Adobe I/O App

Run an Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:run

  -e, --extension=extension  Run only a specific extension, this flag can only be specified once
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  --[no-]actions             [default: true] Run actions, defaults to true, to skip actions use --no-actions
  --local                    Run/debug actions locally ( requires Docker running )
  --open                     Open the default web browser after a successful run, only valid if your app has a front-end
  --[no-]serve               [default: true] Start frontend server (experimental)
  --skip-actions             [deprecated] Please use --no-actions
  --version                  Show version

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:test

Run tests for an Adobe I/O App

Run tests for an Adobe I/O App
If no flags are specified, by default only unit-tests are run.

For the --action flag, it tries a substring search on the 'package-name/action-name' pair for an action.
For the --extension flag, it tries a substring search on the 'extension-name' only.
If the extension has a hook called 'test' in its 'ext.config.yaml', the script specified will be run instead.

  $ aio app:test

  -a, --action=action        the action(s) to test
  -e, --extension=extension  the extension(s) to test
  --all                      run both unit and e2e tests
  --e2e                      run e2e tests
  --unit                     run unit tests

  If no flags are specified, by default only unit-tests are run.

  For the --action flag, it tries a substring search on the 'package-name/action-name' pair for an action.
  For the --extension flag, it tries a substring search on the 'extension-name' only.
  If the extension has a hook called 'test' in its 'ext.config.yaml', the script specified will be run instead.

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:undeploy

Undeploys an Adobe I/O App

Undeploys an Adobe I/O App

  $ aio app:undeploy

  -e, --extension=extension  Undeploy only a specific extension, the flags can be specified multiple times
  -v, --verbose              Verbose output
  --[no-]actions             [default: true] Undeploy actions if any
  --force-unpublish          Force unpublish extension(s) from Exchange, will delete all extension points
  --skip-actions             [deprecated] Please use --no-actions
  --skip-static              [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets
  --skip-web-assets          [deprecated] Please use --no-web-assets
  --[no-]unpublish           [default: true] Unpublish selected extension(s) from Exchange
  --version                  Show version
  --[no-]web-assets          [default: true] Undeploy web-assets if any

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio app:use [CONFIG_FILE_PATH]

Import an Adobe Developer Console configuration file.

Import an Adobe Developer Console configuration file.

If the optional configuration file is not set, this command will retrieve the console org, project, and workspace settings from the global config.

To set these global config values, see the help text for 'aio console --help'.

To download the configuration file for your project, select the 'Download' button in the toolbar of your project's page in https://console.adobe.io

  $ aio app:use [CONFIG_FILE_PATH]

  CONFIG_FILE_PATH  path to an Adobe I/O Developer Console configuration file

  -g, --global                         Use the global Adobe Developer Console Org / Project / Workspace configuration,
                                       which can be set via `aio console` commands

  -v, --verbose                        Verbose output

  -w, --workspace=workspace            Specify the Adobe Developer Console Workspace name to import the configuration

  -w, --workspace-name=workspace-name  [DEPRECATED]: please use --workspace instead

  --confirm-service-sync               Skip the Service sync prompt and overwrite Service subscriptions in the new
                                       Workspace with current subscriptions

  --merge                              Merge any .aio and .env files during import of the Adobe Developer Console
                                       configuration file

  --no-input                           Skip user prompts by setting --no-service-sync and --merge. Requires one of
                                       config_file_path or --global or --workspace

  --no-service-sync                    Skip the Service sync prompt and do not attach current Service subscriptions to
                                       the new Workspace

  --overwrite                          Overwrite any .aio and .env files during import of the Adobe Developer Console
                                       configuration file

  --version                            Show version

  If the optional configuration file is not set, this command will retrieve the console org, project, and workspace 
  settings from the global config.

  To set these global config values, see the help text for 'aio console --help'.

  To download the configuration file for your project, select the 'Download' button in the toolbar of your project's 
  page in https://console.adobe.io

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-app

aio auth

Adobe IMS commands to login and logout.

Adobe IMS commands to login and logout.

The main commands are auth:login to get or create an access token and
auth:logout to invalidate an access token and thus log out from Adobe IMS.

Logging in and out is based on configuration of which there may be
multiple. Each set of configuration properties, called an Adobe IMS context,
can be individually addressed by a label.

Configuration for the Adobe IMS commands is stored in the "ims"
configuration property. The special property "ims.config.current" contains the
label of the current configuration which can be set using the
"aio auth ctx -s <label>" command.

Each set of properties in a labeled Adobe IMS context configurations has
configuration properties depending on the kind of access that is
supported. The below example shows the configuration for OAuth2
based (graphical SUSI) login.

The "env" property is optional and designates the Adobe IMS environment
used for authentication. Possible values are "stage" and "prod".
If the property is missing or any other value, it defaults to "prod".

All commands allow their normal output to be formatted in either
HJSON (default), JSON, or YAML.

  $ aio auth

  The main commands are auth:login to get or create an access token and
  auth:logout to invalidate an access token and thus log out from Adobe IMS.

  Logging in and out is based on configuration of which there may be
  multiple. Each set of configuration properties, called an Adobe IMS context,
  can be individually addressed by a label.

  Configuration for the Adobe IMS commands is stored in the "ims"
  configuration property. The special property "ims.config.current" contains the
  label of the current configuration which can be set using the
  "aio auth ctx -s <label>" command.

  Each set of properties in a labeled Adobe IMS context configurations has
  configuration properties depending on the kind of access that is
  supported. The below example shows the configuration for OAuth2
  based (graphical SUSI) login.

  The "env" property is optional and designates the Adobe IMS environment
  used for authentication. Possible values are "stage" and "prod".
  If the property is missing or any other value, it defaults to "prod".

  All commands allow their normal output to be formatted in either
  HJSON (default), JSON, or YAML.

       ims: {
         contexts: {
           postman: {
             env: "stage",
             callback_url: "https://callback.example.com",
             client_id: "example.com-client-id",
             client_secret: "XXXXXXXX",
             scope: "openid AdobeID additional_info.projectedProductContext read_organizations",
             state: ""
         config: {
           current: "postman"

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth

aio auth:ctx

Manage Adobe IMS contexts.

Manage Adobe IMS contexts.

The following options exist for this command:

* List the names of the configured Adobe IMS contexts
* Print the name of the current Adobe IMS context
* Set the name of the current Adobe IMS context
* Print the configuration of the current or a named Adobe IMS context

Currently it is not possible to update the Adobe Adobe IMS context configuration
using this command. Use the "aio config" commands for this.
     e.g. aio config:set ims.contexts.your_context.your_context_key "your_context_value"

Please note, that the following IMS context label names is reserved: `cli`
and should not be used as an IMS context name.

Also note that the current context can only be set locally.

  $ aio auth:ctx

  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context
  -g, --global   global config
  -l, --local    local config
  -s, --set=set  Sets the name of the current local Adobe IMS context
  -v, --verbose  Verbose output
  --debug=debug  Debug level output
  --list         Names of the Adobe IMS contexts as an array
  --value        Prints named or current Adobe IMS context data

  The following options exist for this command:

  * List the names of the configured Adobe IMS contexts
  * Print the name of the current Adobe IMS context
  * Set the name of the current Adobe IMS context
  * Print the configuration of the current or a named Adobe IMS context

  Currently it is not possible to update the Adobe Adobe IMS context configuration
  using this command. Use the "aio config" commands for this.
        e.g. aio config:set ims.contexts.your_context.your_context_key "your_context_value"

  Please note, that the following IMS context label names is reserved: `cli`
  and should not be used as an IMS context name.

  Also note that the current context can only be set locally.

  $ aio ctx
  $ aio context

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth

aio auth:login

Log in with a certain Adobe IMS context and returns the access token.

Log in with a certain Adobe IMS context and returns the access token.

If the Adobe IMS context already has a valid access token set (valid meaning
at least 10 minutes before expiry), that token is returned.

Otherwise, if the Adobe IMS context has a valid refresh token set (valid
meaning at least 10 minutes before expiry) that refresh token is
exchanged for an access token before returning the access token.

Lastly, if the Adobe IMS context properties are supported by one of the
Adobe IMS login plugins, that login plugin is called to guide through
the IMS login process.

The currently supported Adobe IMS login plugins are:

* aio-lib-ims-jwt for JWT token based login supporting
  Adobe I/O Console service integrations.
* aio-lib-ims-oauth for browser based OAuth2 login. This
  plugin will launch a Chromium browser to guide the user through the
  login process. The plugin itself will *never* see the user's
  password but only receive the authorization token after the
  user authenticated with Adobe IMS.

  $ aio auth:login

  -b, --bare     print access token only
  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context
  -d, --decode   Decode and display access token data

  -f, --force    Force logging in. This causes a forced logout on the context first and makes sure to not use any cached
                 data when calling the plugin.

  -g, --global   global config

  -l, --local    local config

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output

  --debug=debug  Debug level output

  If the Adobe IMS context already has a valid access token set (valid meaning
  at least 10 minutes before expiry), that token is returned.

  Otherwise, if the Adobe IMS context has a valid refresh token set (valid
  meaning at least 10 minutes before expiry) that refresh token is
  exchanged for an access token before returning the access token.

  Lastly, if the Adobe IMS context properties are supported by one of the
  Adobe IMS login plugins, that login plugin is called to guide through
  the IMS login process.

  The currently supported Adobe IMS login plugins are:

  * aio-lib-ims-jwt for JWT token based login supporting
     Adobe I/O Console service integrations.
  * aio-lib-ims-oauth for browser based OAuth2 login. This
     plugin will launch a Chromium browser to guide the user through the
     login process. The plugin itself will *never* see the user's
     password but only receive the authorization token after the
     user authenticated with Adobe IMS.

  $ aio login

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth

aio auth:logout

Log out the current or a named Adobe IMS context.

Log out the current or a named Adobe IMS context.

This command can be called multiple times on the same Adobe IMS context with
out causing any errors. The assumption is that after calling this command
without an error, the Adobe IMS context's access and refresh tokens have been
invalidated and removed from persistent storage. Repeatedly calling this
command will just do nothing.

  $ aio auth:logout

  -c, --ctx=ctx  Name of the Adobe IMS context to use. Default is the current Adobe IMS context

  -f, --force    Invalidate the refresh token as well as all access tokens.
                 Otherwise only the access token is invalidated. For Adobe IMS
                 contexts not supporting refresh tokens, this flag has no

  -g, --global   global config

  -l, --local    local config

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output

  --debug=debug  Debug level output

  This command can be called multiple times on the same Adobe IMS context with
  out causing any errors. The assumption is that after calling this command
  without an error, the Adobe IMS context's access and refresh tokens have been
  invalidated and removed from persistent storage. Repeatedly calling this
  command will just do nothing.

  $ aio logout

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-auth

aio autocomplete [SHELL]

display autocomplete installation instructions

display autocomplete installation instructions

  $ aio autocomplete [SHELL]

  SHELL  shell type

  -r, --refresh-cache  Refresh cache (ignores displaying instructions)

  $ aio autocomplete
  $ aio autocomplete bash
  $ aio autocomplete zsh
  $ aio autocomplete --refresh-cache

See code: @oclif/plugin-autocomplete

aio certificate

Generate or verify a certificate for use with Adobe I/O

Generate or verify a certificate for use with Adobe I/O

  $ aio certificate

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-certificate

aio certificate:generate

Generate a new private/public key pair

Generate a new private/public key pair
Generate a self-signed certificate to enable https:// on localhost or signing jwt payloads for interacting with Adobe services.

  $ aio certificate:generate

  -c, --country=country            Country Name
  -l, --locality=locality          Locality, or city name

  -n, --name=name                  [default: selfsign.localhost] Common Name: typically a host domain name, like

  -o, --organization=organization  Organization name

  -s, --state=state                State or Province

  -u, --unit=unit                  Organizational unit or department

  --days=days                      [default: 365] Number of days the certificate should be valid for. (Max 365)

  --keyout=keyout                  [default: private.key] file to send the key to

  --out=out                        [default: certificate_pub.crt] output file

  Generate a self-signed certificate to enable https:// on localhost or signing jwt payloads for interacting with Adobe 

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-certificate

aio certificate:verify FILE

Verify a certificate for use with Adobe I/O

Verify a certificate for use with Adobe I/O
Verifies that the certificate is valid, and/or will not expire in [--days] days from now.

  $ aio certificate:verify FILE

  FILE  file path to certificate to verify

  --days=days  +- is certificate valid in --days

  Verifies that the certificate is valid, and/or will not expire in [--days] days from now.

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-certificate

aio config

list, get, set, delete, and edit persistent configuration data

list, get, set, delete, and edit persistent configuration data

  $ aio config

  -e, --env     environment variables
  -g, --global  global config
  -j, --json    output in json
  -l, --local   local config
  -y, --yaml    output in yaml
  --verbose     show all config values

  $ aio config:ls

  $ aio config:list
  $ aio config:get KEY
  $ aio config:set KEY VALUE
  $ aio config:delete KEY
  $ aio config:clear

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config:clear

clears all persistent config values

clears all persistent config values

  $ aio config:clear

  -f, --force   do not prompt for confirmation
  -g, --global  global config
  -l, --local   local config

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config:delete KEYS...

deletes persistent config values

deletes persistent config values

  $ aio config:delete KEYS...

  -g, --global  global config
  -l, --local   local config

  $ aio config:del
  $ aio config:rm

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config:edit

edit config file

edit config file

  $ aio config:edit

  -g, --global  global config
  -l, --local   local config

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config:get KEY

gets a persistent config value

gets a persistent config value

  $ aio config:get KEY

  -e, --env     environment variables
  -g, --global  global config
  -j, --json    output in json
  -l, --local   local config
  -y, --yaml    output in yaml

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config:list

lists all persistent config values

lists all persistent config values

  $ aio config:list

  -e, --env     environment variables
  -g, --global  global config
  -j, --json    output in json
  -l, --local   local config
  -y, --yaml    output in yaml
  --verbose     show all config values

  $ aio config:ls

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio config set key 'a value' # set key to 'a value'

sets a persistent config value

sets a persistent config value

  $ aio config set key 'a value'       # set key to 'a value'
  $ aio config set key -f value.json   # set key to the json found in the file value.json
  $ aio config set -j key < value.json # set key to the json found in the file value.json

  -f, --file         value is a path to a file
  -g, --global       global config
  -i, --interactive  prompt for value
  -j, --json         value is json
  -l, --local        local config
  -y, --yaml         value is yaml

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-config

aio console

Console plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI

Console plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI

  $ aio console

  --help  Show help

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:org

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Organizations

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Organizations

  $ aio console:org

  --help  Show help

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:org:list

List your Organizations

List your Organizations

  $ aio console:org:list

  -j, --json  Output json
  -y, --yml   Output yml
  --help      Show help

  $ aio console:org:ls

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:org:select [ORGCODE]

Select an Organization

Select an Organization

  $ aio console:org:select [ORGCODE]

  ORGCODE  Adobe Developer Console Org code

  --help  Show help

  $ aio console:org:sel

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:project

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Projects

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Projects

  $ aio console:project

  --help  Show help

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:project:list

List your Projects for the selected Organization

List your Projects for the selected Organization

  $ aio console:project:list

  -j, --json     Output json
  -y, --yml      Output yml
  --help         Show help
  --orgId=orgId  OrgID for listing projects

  $ aio console:project:ls

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:project:select [PROJECTIDORNAME]

Select a Project for the selected Organization

Select a Project for the selected Organization

  $ aio console:project:select [PROJECTIDORNAME]

  PROJECTIDORNAME  Adobe Developer Console Project id or Project name

  --help         Show help
  --orgId=orgId  Organization id of the Console Project to select

  $ aio console:project:sel

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:where

Show the currently selected Organization, Project and Workspace

Show the currently selected Organization, Project and Workspace

  $ aio console:where

  -j, --json  Output json
  -y, --yml   Output yml
  --help      Show help

  $ aio where

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:workspace

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces

Manage your Adobe I/O Console Workspaces

  $ aio console:workspace

  --help  Show help

  $ aio console:ws

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:workspace:download [DESTINATION]

Downloads the configuration for the selected Workspace

Downloads the configuration for the selected Workspace

  $ aio console:workspace:download [DESTINATION]

  DESTINATION  Output file name or folder name where the Console Workspace configuration file should be saved

  --help                     Show help
  --orgId=orgId              Organization id of the Console Workspace configuration to download
  --projectId=projectId      Project id of the Console Workspace configuration to download
  --workspaceId=workspaceId  Workspace id of the Console Workspace configuration to download

  $ aio console:workspace:dl
  $ aio console:ws:download
  $ aio console:ws:dl

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:workspace:list

List your Workspaces for your selected Project

List your Workspaces for your selected Project

  $ aio console:workspace:list

  -j, --json             Output json
  -y, --yml              Output yml
  --help                 Show help
  --orgId=orgId          Organization id of the Console Workspaces to list
  --projectId=projectId  Project id of the Console Workspaces to list

  $ aio console:workspace:ls
  $ aio console:ws:list
  $ aio console:ws:ls

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio console:workspace:select [WORKSPACEIDORNAME]

Select a Workspace for the selected Project

Select a Workspace for the selected Project

  $ aio console:workspace:select [WORKSPACEIDORNAME]

  WORKSPACEIDORNAME  Adobe Developer Console Workspace id or Workspace name

  --help                 Show help
  --orgId=orgId          Organization id of the Console Workspace to select
  --projectId=projectId  Project id of the Console Workspace to select

  $ aio console:workspace:sel
  $ aio console:ws:select
  $ aio console:ws:sel

See code: @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-console

aio discover

Discover plugins to install

Discover plugins to install
To install a plugin, run 'aio plugins install NAME'

  $ aio discover

  -f, --sort-field=date|name  [default: date] which column to sort, use the sort-order flag to specify sort direction
  -i, --install               interactive install mode

  -o, --sort-order=asc|desc   [default: desc] sort order for a column, use the sort-field flag to specify which column
                              to sort

  To install a plugin, run 'aio plugins install NAME'

  $ aio plugins:discover

See code: src/commands/discover.js

aio event

Manage your Adobe I/O Events

Manage your Adobe I/O Events