
Browser client on top of puppeteer for Adonisjs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adonisjsVowBrowser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@adonisjs/vow-browser';


AdonisJs Vow Browser 🚀

Browser client for AdonisJs test runner

NPM Version Build Status Appveyor Coveralls

Vow is the testing engine for AdonisJs and this repo contains the browser client for it.


  1. Built on top of Google Puppeteer
  2. Offers seamless API to run tests in chromium.
  3. Uses AdonisJs eco-system to make testing assertions easier.


You can install the package from npm.

adonis install @adonisjs/vow-browser

Basic Usage

// add trait

test('visit home page', async ({ browser }) => {
  const page = await browser.visit('/')
  await page.assertHas('AdonisJs')

Moving Forward

Checkout the official documentation at the AdonisJs website for more info.


Tests are written using japa. Run the following commands to run tests.

npm run test:local

# report coverage
npm run test

# on windows
npm run test:win

Release History

Checkout CHANGELOG.md file for release history.


AdonisJs – @adonisframework – virk@adonisjs.com

Checkout LICENSE.txt for license information

Harminder Virk (Aman) - https://github.com/thetutlage