
A simple way to use a HTML Media Element (video or audio) with your own custom controls. This library consists basically in 3 components that work together: - MediaManager: handles the media playback and gives additional information and methods to manage it. - MediaElement: a wrapper for the media element (a video or audio). - SeekSlider: the classical slider to control the playback.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adrianhurtVueMediaManager from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@adrianhurt/vue-media-manager';



A simple way to use a HTML Media Element (video or audio) with your own custom controls. This library consists basically in 3 components that work together:

  • MediaManager: handles the media playback and gives additional information and methods to manage it.
  • MediaElement: a wrapper for the media element (a video or audio).
  • SeekSlider: the classical slider to control the playback.


$ npm install @adrianhurt/vue-media-manager


$ yarn add @adrianhurt/vue-media-manager


    #default="{ paused, playPause, mediaAttrs, seekSliderAttrs }"
    <div class="video-player">
      <MediaElement v-bind="mediaAttrs">
      <div class="controls">
        <button @click="playPause">
          {{ paused ? 'Play' : 'Pause' }}
          <div class="slider-trail" />

import VueTypes from 'vue-types'
import { MediaManager, MediaElement, SeekSlider } from '@adrianhurt/vue-media-manager'

export default {
  name: 'VideoPlayer',
  components: {
  props: {
    src: VueTypes.string.isRequired,
    type: VueTypes.string.optional,

<style scoped lang="scss">
@import '~@adrianhurt/vue-media-manager/dist/vue-media-manager.css';

$sliderHeight: 40px;
$sliderTrailHeight: 4px;
$handleSize: 12px;
$primary: #4fc08d;

.media-slider {
  height: $sliderHeight;
.slider-trail {
  height: $sliderTrailHeight;
  border-radius: $sliderTrailHeight / 2;
  background-color: rgba($primary, 0.2);
.handle {
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  left: 0;
  width: $handleSize;
  height: $handleSize;
  border-radius: $handleSize;
  margin-top: #{-$handleSize / 2};
  margin-left: #{-$handleSize / 2};
  background-color: $primary;



  • type (required): video or audio
  • initialTime (default 0): Number that indicates the initial time to start the playback.
  • seekingDisabled (default false): Boolean to disabled any "seek" method is called (seekTo, seekToProgress, skipForward, skipBackward).


  • seek (time): Emitted when any "seek" method is called (seekTo, seekToProgress, skipForward, skipBackward).


  • seekTo(time): seeks to a specific time (in seconds).
  • seekToProgress(progress): seeks to a specific time (from 0 to 1).
  • skipForward(secs): skips forward from the current time (in secs).
  • skipBackward(secs): skips backward from the current time (in secs).
  • play(): plays the media element.
  • pauses(): pauses the media element.
  • playPause(): toggles play/pause.


  • default (scoped): with the following scoped props:
    • paused: Boolean that indicates if the video or audio is paused.
    • currentTime: Number with the current time in seconds.
    • duration: Number with the duration for the whole playback in seconds.
    • progress: Number with current progress within the playback (from 0 to 1).
    • play (): Method to play the video or audio.
    • pause (): Method to pause the video or audio.
    • playPause (): Method to toggle play-pause the video or audio.
    • seekTo (time): Method to seek the video or audio to a specic time in seconds.
    • seekToProgress (p): Method to seek the video or audio to a specic progress (from 0 to 1).
    • skipForward (s): Method to skip forward s seconds.
    • skipBackward (s): Method to skip backward s seconds.
    • seekingDisabled (default false): Boolean to disabled any "seek" method is called (seekTo, seekToProgress, skipForward, skipBackward).
    • mediaAttrs: Object with the attributes ready for the MediaElement component.
    • seekSliderAttrs: Object with the attributes ready for the SeekSlider component.



The following props are fully available, but MediaManager gives you all of them ready to use within mediaAttrs:

  • type (required): video or audio
  • paused (default false): Boolean that indicates if the video or audio is paused.
  • autoplay (default false): Boolean that auto-starts the playback.
  • currentTime (default 0): Number with the current time in seconds.
  • volume (default 1): Number with the current volume (from 0 to 1).
  • muted (default false): Boolean to mute the audio.
  • managerListeners (required): Object with the corresponding MediaManagers listeners.
  • forceTimeUpdateInterval (optional): Number to indicate a time interval (milliseconds) to manually update the currentTime. Note: If you use this option, the native timeupdate event will be ignored.

Every other prop will be passed through to the correponding video or audio element, so you can use direclty loop, for example.


Check the events provided by HTMLMediaElement, video and audio.


  • forceTimeUpdate(): forces a time update for the currentTime.
  • requestFullScreen(): requests the native full screen mode for a video element.
  • cancelFullScreen(): cancels the native full screen mode.


  • default: the native "slot" for a video or audio tag (ie: <source>).



The following props are fully available, but MediaManager gives you all of them ready to use within seekSliderAttrs:

  • progress (required): Number with current progress within the playback (from 0 to 1).
  • paused (default false): Boolean that indicates if the video or audio is paused.
  • play (optional): Method to play the video or audio.
  • pause (optional): Method to pause the video or audio.
  • managerListeners (required): Object with the corresponding MediaManagers listeners.


  • seek (progress): Emitted when the user clicks or drags along the cursor to seek to a specific progress (from 0 to 1).
  • dragstart, drag and dragend: Emitted when the user drags along the cursor.


  • default (scoped): the cursor's container. You should place here your custom cursor's trail. With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the cursor.
  • handle (scoped): the slider's handle. It's parent container will be moved automatically (with absolute position and left property). With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the cursor.
  • custom (scoped): use it if you want to render your own cursor. If present, it will override the other two slots. With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the cursor.
    • progress: Number with current progress within the playback (from 0 to 1).


The inner slider component used for SeekSlider. Userful for a volume slider, for example.


  • value (required): Number with current value (from 0 to 1).


  • input (progress): Emitted when the user clicks or drags along the slider (from 0 to 1).
  • dragstart, drag and dragend: Emitted when the user drags along the slider.


  • default (scoped): the slider's container. You should place here your custom slider's trail. With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the slider.
  • handle (scoped): the slider's handle. It's parent container will be moved automatically (with absolute position and left property). With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the slider.
  • custom (scoped): use it if you want to render your own slider. If present, it will override the other two slots. With the following scoped props:
    • isDragging: Boolean that indicates the user is dragging along the slider.
    • progress: Number with current value (from 0 to 1).