
A module that contains UI and logic for handle HTTP headers in an HTTP request and request editors.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import advancedRestClientArcHeaders from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@advanced-rest-client/arc-headers';



This component is deprecated. Use @advanced-rest-client/app instead.

A module that contains UI and logic for handle HTTP headers in an HTTP request and request editors.

Published on NPM

Tests and publishing



npm install --save @advanced-rest-client/arc-headers

HeadersParser module

A helper class to process headers as string, array, object, or a Headers object.

import { HeadersParser } from '@advanced-rest-client/arc-headers';
const errorMessage = HeadersParser.getError('Whitespace Name: x-true');


An HTTP headers editor UI.

<headers-editor id="editor"></headers-editor>
  editor.model = [{ name: 'content-type', value: 'application/json', enabled: true }];
  // or
  editor.value = 'content-type: application/json';
  editor.onchange = (e) => { console.log(e.target.value, e.target.model); }

Try not to use both value and model when setting the value of the editor. The last set value wins and overrides the other one. If your application uses the headers view model (to add support for enable/disable header state) then only use model. The editor will produce value when anything after setting up the model change. This is done to minimize number of computations when working with the editor.

The component listens to content type change event (defined in arc-events as RequestEvents.State.contentTypeChange) and updated the current value when the event is handled.


An list of formatted HTTP headers.

<headers-list id="list"></headers-list>
  editor.headers = 'content-type: x-test\nLink: <https://api.github.com/organizations/19393150/repos?page=6>, rel="next";';


git clone https://github.com/advanced-rest-client/arc-headers
cd arc-headers
npm install

Running the demo locally

npm start

Running the tests

npm test