
Manage the oidc, as Authorization Code mode, for MobileSSO

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aeroline1025AngularMobilesso from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@aeroline_1025/angular-mobilesso';


Angular MobileSSO

Install the componant

Run npm install @aeroline_1025/angular-mobilesso to install the package on your project.

Configure Module

On the file app.modules.ts, add the MobileSSO Module

import { MobileSsoModule } from  '@aeroline_1025/angular-mobilesso';

   imports: [

Environment Configuration

Use the environment configuration file to pass the mandatory paramters to use the MobileSSO:

  • issuer : issuer defined by the MobileSSO
  • scope: Scope define for the project by MobileSSO, to retreive the Access Token
  • clientId: Client ID defined by MobileSSO to defined which clinet we are
  • redirectUrl: Url declared on MobileSSO and associated to our ClientID, It will be the Url redirect by the mobile SSO to send Authorization Code (as Query parameter)
  • autoRefreshAccessToken (boolean): Define if the Access Token is automatically updated by the Id Token, when it nearly expire

This is an example :

export const environment = {
    issuer:  '<URL Issuer (FedBroker)>',
    scope:  'SCO_<Project Scope>',
    clientId:  'CLI_<Project Client>',
    redirectUrl:  '<URL to redirect by MobileSSO>/',
    autoRefreshAccessToken:  true

There are the default properties to use to instanciate a new AuthConfigMobileSSO used by the componant angular-mobilsso

How to authenticate

The only thing to do is to :

  • Define the AuthConfigMobileSSO through the environment file
  • Import the Mobile SSO Module on the app module
  • Call the methode authenticate(...) from the class MobileSsoHelper

This is the class to import and the signature of the method to use :

import { MobileSsoHelper } from  '@aeroline_1025/angular-mobilesso';

public authenticate(config: AuthConfigMobileSSO,
                    loginServiceUrl: string,
                    showLogInfo = false,
                    @Optional() callback:  any):  void {}
  • config: AuthConfigMobileSSO parameters
  • loginServiceUrl : Url to our own service login to validate the Access Token retreived and validate login (and / or generate internal JWT application token)
  • showLogInfo: Define if we display logs INFO or not
  • callback: is an object with at least the method what to do more when Access Token is received. It is optionnal : applyToken(data: TokenResponse): void;

Exemple of applyToken method :

     * Apply token from internal zone
     * @param data Token response
    applyToken(data: TokenResponse): void {
        if (window.opener) {
        } else {
            localStorage.setItem(this.KeyTokenStorageName, JSON.stringify(data));
            this.setCurrentTokenResponse(data); // It is a custom method to store some date information

Where to authenticate

The authentication has to be done on a Interceptor, where the method will be called to authenticate through the MobileSSO Helper

Exemple of interceptor : In this example this.userService.Authenticate(true); is a custom method on a user service custom where the method this.mobileSsoHelper.authenticate(GlobalConfiguration.getMobileSsoConfig(), this.loginServiceUrl true, this.callback); is called

* Interception method
* @param  request Http request
* @param  next next action
public  intercept (request:  HttpRequest<any>, next:  HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
   this.Logger.info(`Process to request : ${request.url}`);
   if (request.url  !==  this.loginServiceUrl) {
       // Normal request (add current token)
       request  =  this.addTokenHeaders(request);
       if (this.userService.isTokenExpired()) {
           this.Logger.info('Token is expired, ask a new token');
      } else {
           // Execute request
           return  next.handle(request)
                                  map(res  =>  res),
                                  catchError((err, caught) => {
                                        if (err  instanceof  RedoException) {
                                            throw  err;
                                        if (err  instanceof  HttpErrorResponse) {
                                              this.Logger.warning('Error in HTTP interceptor');
                                              const  jsonParseError  =  'Http failure during parsing for';
                                              const  matches  =  err.message.match(new  RegExp(jsonParseError, 'ig'));
                                             // return of(null);
                                             if (err.status  ===  200  &&  matches.length  ===  1) {
                                                  // return obs that completes;
                                                  this.Logger.info('Skip http failure for parsing, response type is not JSON however the format seems good.');
                                            } else {
                                                  if (err.status  ===  401) {
                                                      // Authentication error
                                                      this.Logger.error(`Authentication error : ${err.message}`);
                                                      throw  new  AutorizationException();
                                                  } else {
                                                       this.Logger.error(`Application communication error (code ${err.status}) : ${err.message}`);
                                       return  caught;
    return  next.handle(request);