
Transformations from/to arrays

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agenArrays from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@agen/arrays';



This package deals with stream of arrays.

There are following methods in this package:

  • arraysFromDsv - transforms strings to arrays by splitting them with a delimiter - like "," for comma separated files (CSV)
  • arraysToDsv - transforms arrays to DSV strings

arraysFromDsv method

This method accepts the following parameters:

  • generator - asynchronous generator providing inidvidual strings
  • options - object with method configurations
  • options.delimiter - delimiter used to split strings to arrays; by default this is a ";"

It returns an asynchronous generator providing arrays; one array per input string.


const { arraysFromDsv } = require('./');


async function main() {
  const list = [
    'Hello, world',
    'Second, line, with, strings',
    'Third, line'
  for await (let array of arraysFromDsv(list, { delimiter : ',' })) {
    console.log('-', array);

// Will print:
// - [ 'Hello', ' world' ]
// - [ 'Second', ' line', ' with', ' strings' ]
// - []
// - [ 'Third', ' line' ]

arraysToDsv method

Transforms sequence of arrays to sequence of serialized DSV strings (like comma-separated values).

This method accepts the following parameters:

  • generator - asynchronous generator providing inidvidual arrays
  • options - object with method configurations
  • options.delimiter - delimiter used to format strings from arrays; by default this is the ";" symbol

It returns an asynchronous generator providing arrays of strings.


const { arraysToDsv } = require('./');


async function main() {
  const list = [
    [ 'Hello', ' world' ],
    [ 'Second', ' line', ' with', ' strings' ],
    [ 'Third', ' line' ]
  for await (let str of arraysToDsv(list, { delimiter : ',' })) {
    console.log('-', str);
// Will print:
// - [ 'Hello', ' world' ]
// - [ 'Second', ' line', ' with', ' strings' ]
// - []
// - [ 'Third', ' line' ]