
Async Generator utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agenGzip from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@agen/gzip';



This package contains methods providing async generators deflating / inflating (gzipping / gunzipping) binary input blocks:

  • deflate method returns an async generator compressing ("deflating") input blocks
  • inflate de-compresses ("inflates") binary blocks

This module uses the pako package (the MIT license) to inflate/deflate streams: https://github.com/nodeca/pako.

inflate method

This method decompress (inflates) binary data retunred by the input async generators. This method is based on the pako.Inflate class.


  • options - optional parameters (see the pako.Inflate class)

Example: get binary data from the specified URL:

import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import * as agen from '@agen/gzip';

const options = {}; // not required
const f = agen.inflate(options);

// Streams in NodeJS are also async generators providing binary blocks
const input = createReadStream('./myfile.gz');
for await (let chunk of f(input)) {
  console.log('*', chunk);

deflate method

This method returns an async generator compressing (deflating) binary blocks comming from the input async generator (input stream).

This method is based on the pako.Deflate class.


  • options - optional parameters (see the pako.Deflate class)


import { createReadStream } from 'fs';
import { deflate } from '@agen/gzip';

const options = {};
const f = agen.deflate(options);

// Streams in NodeJS are also async generators providing binary blocks
let input = createReadStream('./myfile.pdf');
for await (let chunk of f(input)) {
  console.log('*', chunk);