🚀 Seamlessly integrate AheevaCCS into your application, written in TypeScript
Getting started
This documentation assumes you have an existing AheevaCCS installation at your premise or in the cloud. Please read the following information carefully. It is advised to backup your existing application before moving forward with the changes.
- Include the provided library in your web application. This can be done adding a script tag inside
tags in the HTML page. The library is extremely small ~2.1 KB (minified). It should load almost instantly.
<script src="path/to/aheeva.min.js"></script>
If you are using npm
to install packages, you can also install this library by typing:
npm install --save @aheeva/app-framework
Include ./node_modules/@aheeva/app-framework/dist/aheeva.min.js
to your gulp/grunt/webpack configuration as needed.
- Initialize the framework as follows
// Some function in your application that deals with the setup process
function setupAH() {
url: 'YOUR_AHEEVA_AWA_URL', // example:
realm: 'YOUR_TENANT_REALM', // example: tenant1
hidden: true,
elementId: 'ELEMENT_ID', // Element where you want to inject the iframe
The above snippet of code will initialize the agent application in a hidden iframe. For agents using WebRTC, make sure the url
field in the init configuration is https
Use the following syntax (instead of the one above) to open your application inside the AWA.
// Some function in your application that deals with the setup process
function setupAH() {
Once this step is done, you are ready to send and receive events from the AheevaCCS application through this app-framework library.
The following section provides description of all the events currently supported by this framework.
Supported list of events:
- LoginAgent
- LogoutAgent
- GetCurrentUser
- SetAgentStatus
- HangupAllCalls
- TransferToIVR
- TransferToPhone
- Call
- AnswerNonForcedCall
- RejectNonForcedCall
- ToggleCallRecordingStatus
- ToggleCallHoldStatus
- SetupConferenceCallWithAgent
- SetupConferenceCallWithPhoneNumber
- LeaveConference
- ClearBlockingModes
- GetCurrentCallList 18 GetCallHistory
- GetMessages
- GetAccounts
- ComposeEmailMessage
- ComposeSMSMessage
- MarkInteractionAsRead
- AddInteraction
- AutoConfirmExtension
- GetDispositionList
- SetDisposition
Login an agent
* Login an agent
* @param {String} username Username of the agent
* @param {String} password Password of the agent
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.LoginAgent(username, password, requestId);
Logout an agent
* Logout an agent
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Get Current User Details
* Get Current User Details
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
Set agent status
* Set agent status
* @param {String} status Status of the agent (Allowed values: 'active', 'inactive')
* @param {String} status Reason
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.SetAgentStatus(status, reason, requestId);
Hang up all calls
* Hang up all calls
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Transfer call to an IVR
* Transfer call to an IVR
* @param {String} IVR IVR to transfer the call to
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.TransferToIVR(IVR, requestId);
Transfer call to a phone number
* Transfer call to a phone number
* @param {String} phoneNumber Phone Number
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.TransferToPhone(phoneNumber, requestId);
Call a phone number
* Call a phone number
* @param {String} phoneNumber Phone Number
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.Call(phoneNumber, requestId);
Answer a Non Forced Call
* Answer Non Forced calls
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @param {String} message Text to display in the status box/timer aheeva's iframe (optional)
AH.AnswerNonForcedCall(requestId, message);
Reject a Non Forced Call
* Reject Non Forced calls
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Toggle call recording status
* Toggle call recording status
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @param {String} tracknum Tracking Number (optional)
AH.ToggleCallRecordingStatus(requestId, tracknum);
Toggle call hold status
* Toggle call hold status
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @param {String} tracknum Tracking Number (optional)
AH.ToggleCallHoldStatus(requestId, tracknum);
Start a conference with an agent by his/her ID
* Start a conference with an agent by his/her ID
* @param {String} agentID Agent ID
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.SetupConferenceCallWithAgent(agentID, requestId);
Start a conference with a phone number
* Start a conference with a phone number
* @param {String} phoneNumber Phone Number
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.SetupConferenceCallWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, requestId);
Leave a conference
* Leave a conference
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Clear blocking modes of the status switcher
* Clear blocking modes of the status switcher
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Get current list of calls
* Get current list of calls
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
Get history of calls handled
* Get history of calls handled
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
Get list of messages
* Get list of messages
* @param {String} channelType Channel Type (Allowed values: 'SMS', 'Whatsapp', 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'Email', 'ALL')
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
AH.GetMessages(channelType, requestId);
Get list of accounts
* Get list of accounts
* @param {String} channelType Channel Type (Allowed values: 'SMS', 'Whatsapp', 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'Email', 'ALL')
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
AH.GetAccounts(channelType, requestId);
Create Outbound Email
* Create Outbound Email
* @param {String} recipient Recipient email address
* @param {String} firstName First Name of the recipient
* @param {String} lastName Last Name of the recipient
* @param {String} subject Subject
* @param {String} cc CC
* @param {String} bcc BCC
* @param {String} text Message body
* @param {String} channelAccountID Channel Account to use
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.ComposeEmailMessage(recipient, firstName, lastName, subject, cc, bcc, text, channelAccountID, requestId);
Create Outbound SMS
* Create Outbound SMS
* @param {String} recipient Recipient Phone Number
* @param {String} firstName First Name of the recipient
* @param {String} lastName Last Name of the recipient
* @param {String} text Message Body
* @param {String} channelAccountID Channel Account to use
* @param {String} requestId Request ID
AH.ComposeSMSMessage(recipient, firstName, lastName, text, channelAccountID, requestId);
Mark interaction as read
* Mark Interaction As Read
* @param {String} interactionID Interaction ID
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.MarkInteractionAsRead(interactionID, requestId);
Add interation
* Add Interation/Reply
* @param {String} threadID Thread ID
* @param {String} interactionID Interaction ID
* @param {String} to To address (required only for email)
* @param {String} text Message body
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.AddInteraction(threadID, interactionID, to, text, requestId);
Auto Confirm Extension
* Confirm Default Extension of the agent
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
Get list of dispositions
* Get list of dispositions
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
* @returns {Promise<any>} A promise that resolves to the response
Set Disposition
* Set Disposition
* @param {String} dispositionID Disposition ID
* @param {String} threadID Thread ID
* @param {String} requestId Request UUID
AH.SetDisposition(dispositionID, threadID, requestId);
For a sample integration, refer to the example in the docs