
Plugin for the Canvas LMS theme app that adds a 'Course Recycle Bin' button to the course settings menu

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ahsdileCanvasLmsEnableCourseRecycleBinPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ahsdile/canvas-lms-enable-course-recycle-bin-plugin';


Canvas LMS Course Recycle Bin Plug-in

Plugin for the Canvas LMS theme app that adds a 'Course Recycle Bin' button to the course settings menu.

Button placement:

Example image

Recycle bin page:

Example image


Using NPM:

npm install @ahsdile/canvas-lms-enable-course-recycle-bin-plugin

Using Yarn:

yarn add @ahsdile/canvas-lms-enable-course-recycle-bin-plugin


Just import the plug-in and add it to the Canvas app:

import canvas from '@ahsdile/canvas-lms-app';
import enableCourseRecycleBinPlugin from '@ahsdile/canvas-lms-enable-course-recycle-bin-plugin';




The plug-in is currently translated in the following languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Japanese. Some of these are done with a translation tool so they may not be accurate.