
Prefabicated Selectors and Reducers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import airglowPrefab from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@airglow/prefab';



A framework for writing reusable reducers and selectors in a Redux application.


In a Redux applications, we hold the entire application state in a single store. We extract data from the store using selectors. We add new data into the store using reducers. Prefab is a framework allowing you to create selectors and reducers that your components can reuse.

For example, let's say we have a map component:

Sample Map

Every time our map component is used, there are certain things we know we'll have to hook up. We need to know the current coordinates of the map. We need to handle zooming in and out. We need to know whether to show a street map or satelite map. Using Prefab, we can consolidate all of the common map logic into a Prefab Construct.

Initializing Prefab

With Airglow

Initializing Prefab in Airglow is simple:

import Airglow, { BootstrapWrapper } from '@airglow/core';
import prefabPlugin from '@airglow/prefab-plugin';

export const App = () => (
  <Airglow plugins={[prefabPlugin()]}>
      config={{ prefab: prefabConfig }}>


import { createStore, compose } from 'redux';
import { reducer, BOOTSTRAP_PREFAB } from '@airglow/prefab';

const store = createStore(
    prefab: reducer

store.dispatch({ type: BOOTSTRAP_PREFAB, payload: prefabConfig });

Reguardless, Prefab will add a prefab section to the store where it will hold all it's information.


Constructs are a group of rules and settings that the Prefab Framework is able to use. Continuing with our map sample, look at the following construct:

const mapConstruct = ({
  defaultZoom = 1
}) => ({

const prefabConfig = {
  bigMap: mapConstruct(2),
  smallMap: mapConstruct(6)

When applying this config to Prefab, Prefab our Redux store will look like:

prefab: {
  bigMap: {
    construct: {
      name: 'bigMap',
      defaultZoom: 2
    store: {
  smallMap: {
    construct: {
      name: 'smallMap',
      defaultZoom: 6
    store: {

All of the original configuration gets stored in the construct section. All changes to state will be stored in the store section.


As you no doubt noticed, part of creating the mapConstruct was defining a selector. This is how we are going to pull data out of the store. Let's take a look at a sample mapSelector:

const mapSelector = ({ state }) => ({
  zoom: state.store.zoom || state.construct.defaultZoom

This is a really basic selector. We are passing in the current zoom value from the store. If there isn't one, we are passing in the defaultZoom.

Event Handling

Next, it's likely we'll want to handle events in our Ubra Construct as well:

const mapSelector = ({ state, dispatch }) => ({
  zoom: state.store.zoom || state.construct.defaultZoom,
  onZoomIn: dispatch({ type: ZOOM_IN }),
  onZoomOut: dispatch({ type: ZOOM_OUT })


We'll want to automatically handle those zoom events:

const reduce = (state, action) => {
  const zoom = state.store.zoom || state.construct.defaultZoom;
  if (action.type === ZOOM_IN) {
    return { ...state, store: { ...store, zoom: zoom + 1 } };
  if (action.type === ZOOM_OUT) {
    return { ...state, store: { ...store, zoom: zoom + 1 } };

Here we are handling the Redux actions and updating the store accordingly.

We need to register this reducer inside our construct:

const mapConstruct = ({
  defaultZoom = 1
}) => ({
  selector: mapSelector

Using our Construct

So we now have a construct that provides the current zoom level and a handler for updating that zoom level. Let's show how easy this is to use in our code:

import connect from '@airglow/deep-connect';
import { selector } from '@airglow/prefab';

const MapApp = (smallMap, largeMap) => {
      <Map {...smallMap} />
      <Map {...largeMap} />

const mapForm = selector({
  smallMap: 'smallMap',
  largeMap: 'largeMap'

export default connect({ mapForm }, Component);