
This repository contains strict typed wrappers for all TDLib (1.4.0) methods and classes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import airgramApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@airgram/api';


Wrappers for TDLib API

This repository contains strict typed wrappers for all TDLib (1.4.0) methods and classes.

Differences from the original API:

  • All parameter names are represent in "camelCase".
  • Parameter @type renamed to _.


# npm
npm install airgram-api

Basic usage

import { apiFactory } from 'airgram-api'

function callApi (method, params) {
    // some function which sends request to TDLib
    return requestToTDLib({
      _: method,

const api = apiFactory(callApi)

// Now you can invoke all TDLib methods
api.getMe().then((response) => {


The source code is licensed under GPL v3. License is available here.