
AirSwap is a peer-to-peer trading network for Ethereum tokens. This package contains source code and tests for a basic validator contract that can work with with Swap protocol.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import airswapValidator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@airswap/validator';



AirSwap is a peer-to-peer trading network for Ethereum tokens. This package contains source code and tests for a basic validator contract that can work with with Swap protocol.

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:warning: This package is under active development. The Validator contract is deployed; see deploys.js for latest. For all AirSwap contract deployments see Deployed Contracts.


Command Description
yarn Install dependencies
yarn clean Delete the contract build folder
yarn compile Compile all contracts to build folder
yarn coverage Run solidity-coverage to report test coverage
yarn ganache Run an instance of ganache-cli for tests
yarn hint Run a syntax linter for all Solidity code
yarn lint Run a syntax linter for all JavaScript code
yarn test Run all contract tests in test folder

Running Tests

:bulb: Prior to testing locally, run yarn compile in the airswap-protocols project root to build required artifacts. Then run an instance of ganache-cli before running yarn test in another shell.

yarn ganache