Forge CLI
Command line interface (CLI) to help create, manage, and deploy Forge apps.
See for documentation and tutorials explaining Forge.
You need the following:
- Node.js (version
or later) - Python (version 2.6.0 or later). The CLI is not compatible with Python 3 and requires that python is present on your path.
- Libsecret. Only required on Linux.
- Forge CLI (install by running
npm install -g @forge/cli
See Set up Forge for instructions to get set up.
Install the CLI globally by running:
npm install -g @forge/cli
Get started
Explore the help by running:
forge --help
This displays the list of available commands:
Usage: forge [options] [command]
--version output the version number
--verbose enable verbose mode
-h, --help output usage information
login [options] log in to your Atlassian account
logout [options] log out of your Atlassian account
login:ci [options] create a new authentication token for non-interactive environments
create [options] [name] create an app
register [options] [name] register an app you didn't create so you can run commands for it
deploy [options] deploy your app to an environment
install [options] install the app on an Atlassian site
install:list [options] list app installations
uninstall [options] [installationId] uninstall the app from an Atlassian site
variables:set [options] [key] [value] set an environment variable
variables:unset [options] <key> remove an environment variable
variables:list [options] list the environment variables
logs [options] view app logs
tunnel [options] start a tunnel to connect your local code with the app running in an environment
webtrigger [options] [installationId] get a web trigger URL
See Get help for how to get help and provide feedback.