
the irrelevant piece in the trilogy (sidenote: i think i'm jumping the shark by now)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ajkachnicMath from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ajkachnic/math';



the irrelevant piece in the trilogy (sidenote: i think i'm jumping the shark by now)

a blackbox where numbers go to die...


with typescript:

import math from '@ajkachnic/math'
const myNum = 2

console.log(math(myNum, 5)) // how tf knows what it'll do, i certainly don't

common js:

const math= require('@ajkachnic/math')
const myNum = 2

console.log(math(myNum, 5)) // how tf knows what it'll do


two numbers enter but only one can leave...