
Custom webpack configuration with babel support for polyfills and other great features

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alaudaCustomWebpack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@alauda/custom-webpack';



Custom webpack configuration with babel support for polyfills and other great features

What and Why

This package is built for adding @babel/polyfill support for projects on top of @angular/cli at the beginning and it does work.

And after practicing, we decided to add more common features into this package just because we're so lazy to repeat anything related to bundle and development.

What features are included?

  1. @babel/polyfill automatically according to browserslist of course.
  2. Seamlessly open browser on development, it will try its best to reuse opened browser tab, so that no more redundant browser tabs will be opened like webpack-dev-server --open
  3. If you've installed global console-cli, it will start the console backend server on development or serve on production mode. What means there will be no need to clone alauda-console and run make dev by yourself. Of course, you'll need to provide a console config file at ~/.consolerc.yml (or any other valid configuration supported by cosmiconfig) with authentication.oidc_client_secret, authentication.oidc_issuer_url and console.api_address.
  4. Restart console service automatically on configuration changes.
  5. Bundle with and inject service worker on production automatically.
  6. Proxy to alauda console automatically on development and serve on production mode.
  7. Provide html-minifier wrapper hm to minify index.html with common default options.
  8. dev-console server for development which enables auto-login and no cross-origin (a console config like ~/.consolerc.yml is required)
  9. disable proxy api gateway for dev-console so that http2 connection could be enabled for api gateway

Upcoming Features

Other incredible features from you.



  1. Install Dependencies:

    yarn add -D @alauda/custom-webpack @angular-builders/custom-webpack
  2. Config angular.json:

    // production
      "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
      "options": {
        "customWebpackConfig": {
          "path": "node_modules/@alauda/custom-webpack"
    // development
      "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:dev-server"
  3. Config ~/.consolerc.yml (required for console-cli or dev-console)

      http_proxy: proxy_url
      https_proxy: proxy_url
      no_proxy: localhost,,
      login: login
      password: password
      api_address: api_address
  4. run ng serve, that's all, hope you like the development workflow.


Serve on production mode

yarn s

Minify index.html on building

// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "postbuild": "hm"


If your need to custom the configuration again on top of @alauda/custom-webpack, you can simply provide a file named webpack.config.js, and config angular.json:

// production
  "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
  "options": {
    "customWebpackConfig": {
      "path": "webpack.config.js"
// webpack.config.js
const customWebpack = require('@alauda/custom-webpack')

module.exports = config => {
  Object.assign(customWebpack(config).resolve.alias, {
    moment$: 'dayjs/esm',

: require.resolve('./src/app/timezone'),
  // mutate anything you want after calling `customWebpack(config)`
  return config


  • ALAUDA_DISABLE_CACHE: Whether to disable cache-loader
  • ALAUDA_DISABLE_LAZY_COMPILE: Whether to disable lazy compile on development.
  • ALAUDA_DISABLE_START_CONSOLE: Whether to disable starting console server automatically, not required if ALAUDA_ENABLE_DEV_CONSOLE is true
  • ALAUDA_ENABLE_DEV_CONSOLE: Whether to enable dev console server automatically (highly unrecommended).
  • ALAUDA_DISABLE_PROXY_API_GATEWAY: Whether to disable proxy api gateway, if true then the true api address will be used instead, ALAUDA_ENABLE_DEV_CONSOLE is required to take effect

Useful Internal API

  1. startConsole:

    Control when or whether to start the (dev) console server in background on spawn mode.

    const { startConsole } = require('@alauda/custom-webpack/lib/start-console')
  2. Anything you want us to expose?


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