
MicroFront End SDK for alicloud

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import alicloudAlfaKernel from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@alicloud/alfa-kernel';


Console OS Kernal

Kernal for Console OS


  • load app by single bundle
  • load app by manifest
  • security sandbox
  • cache by service work

How to use


npm i @alicloud/console-os-kernal --save
# or
yarn add @alicloud/console-os-kernal --save
# or
tnpm i @alicloud/console-os-kernal --save

Then you create you sub application using createMicroApp

import { createMicroApp, load, mount, unmount } from '@alicloud/console-os-kernal';

const microApp = await createMicroApp({
  id: 'micro-app-id-1',
  manifest: 'https://xxx.micro-app-id-1.manifest.json';

await load(microApp);

await mount(microApp, {
  dom: document.querySelector('#app'),

await update(microApp, {/* you props */});

await unmount(microApp);

Last, in the entry code of you main app, call start to start os

// in the start of main app

import { start } from '@alicloud/console-os-kernal';



If you are using react as your UI framework, you can use sub app as a jsx element by using @alicloud/console-os-react-app

import ConsoleApp from '@alicloud/console-os-react-app'

const MANIFEST_URL = 'http://g.alicdn.com/aliyun-next/slb.manifest.json'

export default () => (

Build bundle

In OS, an app bundle is built by breezr, you can use @alicloud/console-toolkit-plugin-os to build your bundle

/* breezr.config.js */

module.exports = {
   * other breezr config
  plugins: [