
An angular directive to add gesture behaviors to @angular/material mat-tab-group component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import angularMaterialGestureMatTabGroupGesture from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@angular-material-gesture/mat-tab-group-gesture';


Angular Material TabGroup Gesture

This library provide a simple directive to enable gesture behaviors for the MatTabGroup component on top of @angular/material library.

Gesture features :

  • Scroll tab header with your finger IF there are too much tabs to show it all on your screen
  • Swipe between tabs by swiping the tab content from left to right (or right to left)


Live demo on Stackblitz

Getting started

Install the library from npm

npm i --save @angular-material-gesture/mat-tab-group-gesture

Next, import the MatTabGroupGestureModule in your app's module


import { MatTabGroupGestureModule } from 'mat-tab-group-gesture';
  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

After that, you will be able to add gesture directive to mat-tab-group :

<mat-tab-group matTabGroupGesture [swipeLimitWidth]="80" [connectEdges]="true">

API Documentation


Directive responsible for managing gesture behaviors

Selector: matTabGroupGesture


Name Default value Description
swipeLimitWidth 80 The minimum length of the "swipe" gesture to trigger the tabs navigation
connectEdges true If true, the first tab and the last tab are connected (swiping for next tab on last tab will swipe to the first tab & vice-versa)