
A module to build a minified and concatenated file for the API console

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiComponentsApiConsoleBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@api-components/api-console-builder';



This version of the builder only works with API console version 6 and higher.

Build Status

api-console-builder allows to generate production ready bundle of MuleSoft API Console.

On a high level, it allows to bundle a stand-alone application of API Console. If you need to embed API Console in your application follow instructions from Rollup configuration for API Console.


The bundler creates a production ready API Console that works in modern web browsers and in IE11 withj polyfilled support for web components.

import { ApiConsoleProject } from '@api-components/api-console-builder';
const project = new ApiConsoleProject({
  destination: 'api-console-build',
  api: 'path/to/api.raml',
  apiType: 'RAML 1.0',
  apiMediaType: 'application/raml',
  tagName: '6.0.0'
await project.bundle();

Supported API types

API console accepts AMF json/ld model as a data source. AMF by default supports the following API formats:

  • RAML 0.8
  • RAML 1.0
  • OAS 2.0
  • OAS 3.0 - Experimental, may be missing some properties.


The configuration is defined in BuilderOptions.js file.


Type: string

A release tag name to use. With this option the builder uses specific release of the console. If not set and src is not set it uses latest release. Note, only versions >= 6.0.0 can be used with this version of the builder.


Type: string

Output directory. Default to build.


Type: string


Unlike previous versions of this library, now api property is required. The build will fail if this is not set.

Location of API specification main file.

Set apiType property to corresponding value (type of the API, see below).

Default to undefined.


Type: string


Type of an API spec file recognizable by AMF.


Type: string

Media type of the API.

For RAML files it is always application/yaml. OAS comes with two flavours: application/yaml and application/json.

Use it when the library can't process API spec file due to processing error.


Type: boolean

Prints a debug messages.


Type: array

An array of attributes to be set on the <api-console> element.

For boolean attributes just add name of the attribute as string.

For attributes with values add a map where the key is the attribute name and value is the attribute value.

Note: Do not use camel case notation. It will not work. See the example.


const attributes = [
 {'proxy': 'https://proxy.domain.com'},
 {'page': 'request'},

Example above is the same as:

const attributes = [
   'proxy': 'https://proxy.domain.com',
   'page': 'request'

and will produce the following output:


List of all available options can be found here: https://github.com/mulesoft/api-console/blob/master/docs/configuring-api-console.md

Note, you don't need to set this property when providing own indexFile. Simply define attributes in the file.


Type: object

A console like object to print debug output. If not set then it creates it's own logger.


Type: string

Location to a theme file with styles definition of the console. It replaces Console's own styles definition. See theming documentation of the API console for more information.


Type: string

Location to a custom index.html file that will be used instead of the default template.

The template file must include vendor package, API Console sources, and the use of API Console. See templates/index.html for an example.


Type: boolean

By default the builder caches build results in user home folder and uses generated sources to speed up the build process.

Note, options that influence the build process (tagName, themeFile, indexFile, etc) creates new cached file.

API model is never cached.


Type: boolean

Decides whether to finish current process with non-zero exit code on error. Default is true.


Type: boolean

When set to true it will stop build process with error when a minor issue has been detected, like missing theme file in declared location which is normally ignored.


Type: string

Optional application title put into HTML's <title> tag. By default it uses API title or API Console if missing.