
api.video nodejs client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import apiVideoNodejsClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@api.video/nodejs-client';


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api.video Node.js client

api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.

Table of contents

Project description

api.video's Java Node.js is a lightweight client built in TypeScript that streamlines the coding process. Chunking files is handled for you, as is pagination and refreshing your tokens.

Getting started


With npm:

npm install @api.video/nodejs-client --save

...or with yarn:

yarn add @api.video/nodejs-client


If you're coming from @api.video/nodejs-sdk make sure to read our Migration guide first.


To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:

npm install
npm run build

Code sample

const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

(async () => {
    try {
        const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });

        // create a video
        const videoCreationPayload = {
            title: "Maths video", // The title of your new video.
            description: "A video about string theory.", // A brief description of your video.
        const video = await client.videos.create(videoCreationPayload);

        // upload a video file into the video container
        await client.videos.upload(video.videoId, "my-video-file.mp4");
    } catch (e) {


API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://ws.api.video


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const captions = apiVideoClient.captions;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} Delete a caption
list GET /videos/{videoId}/captions List video captions
get GET /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} Show a caption
update PATCH /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} Update caption
upload POST /videos/{videoId}/captions/{language} Upload a caption


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const chapters = apiVideoClient.chapters;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} Delete a chapter
list GET /videos/{videoId}/chapters List video chapters
get GET /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} Show a chapter
upload POST /videos/{videoId}/chapters/{language} Upload a chapter


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const liveStreams = apiVideoClient.liveStreams;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /live-streams/{liveStreamId} Delete a live stream
deleteThumbnail DELETE /live-streams/{liveStreamId}/thumbnail Delete a thumbnail
list GET /live-streams List all live streams
get GET /live-streams/{liveStreamId} Show live stream
update PATCH /live-streams/{liveStreamId} Update a live stream
create POST /live-streams Create live stream
uploadThumbnail POST /live-streams/{liveStreamId}/thumbnail Upload a thumbnail


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const playerThemes = apiVideoClient.playerThemes;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /players/{playerId} Delete a player
deleteLogo DELETE /players/{playerId}/logo Delete logo
list GET /players List all player themes
get GET /players/{playerId} Show a player
update PATCH /players/{playerId} Update a player
create POST /players Create a player
uploadLogo POST /players/{playerId}/logo Upload a logo


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const rawStatistics = apiVideoClient.rawStatistics;


Method HTTP request Description
listLiveStreamSessions GET /analytics/live-streams/{liveStreamId} List live stream player sessions
listSessionEvents GET /analytics/sessions/{sessionId}/events List player session events
listVideoSessions GET /analytics/videos/{videoId} List video player sessions


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const uploadTokens = apiVideoClient.uploadTokens;


Method HTTP request Description
deleteToken DELETE /upload-tokens/{uploadToken} Delete an upload token
list GET /upload-tokens List all active upload tokens.
getToken GET /upload-tokens/{uploadToken} Show upload token
createToken POST /upload-tokens Generate an upload token


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const videos = apiVideoClient.videos;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /videos/{videoId} Delete a video
get GET /videos/{videoId} Show a video
getStatus GET /videos/{videoId}/status Show video status
list GET /videos List all videos
update PATCH /videos/{videoId} Update a video
pickThumbnail PATCH /videos/{videoId}/thumbnail Pick a thumbnail
uploadWithUploadToken POST /upload Upload with an upload token
create POST /videos Create a video
upload POST /videos/{videoId}/source Upload a video
uploadThumbnail POST /videos/{videoId}/thumbnail Upload a thumbnail


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const watermarks = apiVideoClient.watermarks;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /watermarks/{watermarkId} Delete a watermark
list GET /watermarks List all watermarks
upload POST /watermarks Upload a watermark


const ApiVideoClient = require('@api.video/nodejs-client');

const apiVideoClient = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const webhooks = apiVideoClient.webhooks;


Method HTTP request Description
delete DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId} Delete a Webhook
get GET /webhooks/{webhookId} Show Webhook details
list GET /webhooks List all webhooks
create POST /webhooks Create Webhook



API token

Most endpoints required to be authenticated using the API token mechanism described in our documentation. The access token generation mechanism is automatically handled by the client.

All you have to do is provide an API token when instantiating the ApiVideoClient:

const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });

Get the access token

If you need to access the access-token value obtained using the API key, you can use the getAccessToken() method of the client:

const client = new ApiVideoClient({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_TOKEN" });
const accessToken = await client.getAccessToken();

Public endpoints

Some endpoints don't require authentication. These one can be called with an ApiVideoClient instantiated without API token:

const client = new ApiVideoClient();

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This helps other users to find the clients and also helps us understand which clients are most popular. Thank you!


Since this API client is generated from an OpenAPI description, we cannot accept pull requests made directly to the repository. If you want to contribute, you can open a pull request on the repository of our client generator. Otherwise, you can also simply open an issue detailing your need on this repository.