
iOS and tvOS native code for QuickBrick applications. This package is used to provide native logic for QuickBrick

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import applicasterQuickBrickNativeApple from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@applicaster/quick-brick-native-apple';


:green_apple: Zapp-Frameworks

CircleCI GitHub license

This Repo is a monorepo that contains open source Zapp Projects


  • node ^12.13.x - preferably installed with nvm, which can be installed with Homebrew
  • npm ^6.12.0 - comes built-in with node
  • yarn ^1.22.0 - check install method here
  • For iOS development you will need Xcode 14.5.0 and the Xcode developer tools.
  • For android development you will need Android Studio 4.x.

Create a plugin

  • Open plugins folder

  • Create folder for you plugin in lowercase

  • Create folder for your platform

    • apple
    • android
    • src - for JS
    • any other type
  • Copy package.json from templates folder in a root of the repo to your plugin folder

    • Fill package.json according you plugin needs
    • Fill zappOwnerAccountId with id provided for your team. If you don't know how to get plugin owner account id, ask #support in slack
    • Fill supportedPlatforms array with platforms that you plugin will support:
      • ios
      • tvos
      • ios_for_quickbrick
      • tvos_for_quickbrick
      • android
      • android_for_quickbrick
      • amazon_fire_tv_for_quickbrick
      • samsung_tv
      • lg_tv
      • roku
  • Copy manifests folder from templates folder in a root of the repo and add it to your plugin folder (In case not plugin skip this step)

    • Fill manifest.config.js to define manifest generator template for all supported platforms
    • Manifest documentation can be founded Here

Apple folder

  • Use folders to define type of the platform
    • Universal - for code that can be shared across apple platform
    • ios - for code that relevant only for iOS
    • tvos - for code that relevant only for tvOS
    • tests - for unit tests
  • Create podspec file in json format ModuleName.podspec.json and fill it
  • Create a podfile for your plugin to able to test it locally

How to prepare environment for development?

  1. Clone repo to your working directory
  2. Request <ZAPP_TOKEN> from support or Zapp-Team.
  3. In the root directory execute yarn to install dependencies
  4. In the root of working directory execute npx @applicaster/zapplicaster-cli init from terminal
  5. Finish CLI initialization
Prepare application
  1. In the root directory execute yarn prepare_app -a <ZAPP_APP_VERSION_ID> -b from terminal. <ZAPP_APP_VERSION_ID> could be obtained in Zapp portal
  2. Run yarn start to start local server yarn prepare_app script will prepare local environmment for plugins that exists in plugins folder. Also it will prepare the directory for a builder of the selected platform Note: please check package.json file in scripts section for possible command line options


Start iOS
  1. Clone repo https://github.com/applicaster/ZappAppleBuilder, make sure that folder that you are using same folder provided in cli tool during initialization
  2. Go inside folder ZappiOS/ZappTvOS
  3. Call zapptool -pu -vi 404d00ed-6d7b-4e21-89d5-d65771dc3cce -rn localhost:8081 where local host use your IP-adress if you want to use dev environment with your device.
  4. Build application from XCode in the directory that was provided during cli initialization
Start Android
  1. Start Android Simulator
  2. Call ./gradlew installMobileGoogleDebug -PREACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_ROOT=localhost:8081 in the Android builder folder to build and attach application to simulator
  3. Call adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 to connect local server
  4. Call adb shell input keyevent 82 when application is running to show RN debug dialog
  5. CLI script will ask configuration options and set up the environment

Update existing plugin

  • Make changes inside your plugin
  • Create a commit in format for you PR
    • BREAKING CHANGE: my changes - To change major version number
    • feat: my changes - To change minor version number
    • any other commit - To change patch version
    • chore: publish - To skip CI in comment

Note: Script will check you latest commit if you want to have breaking change or feat. Make sure that you latest commit for you plugin will have expected format

Continuous Integration

CI will start to check plugin folder if changed any commit for any plugin. If script will find such plugins. This plugin will be updated during Continuous integration

Pull Request

  • Commits not in master branch will force CI to start avail workflows to test unit test on platform
  • After all test workflows will be finished in CI user can publish canary plugin:
    • Prepare version number according your latest commit adding prerelease format. example: 2.0.0-alpha.0
    • Publish plugin to npm
    • Generate plugin manifest from manifest.config.js
    • Publish plugins to Zapp for platforms that was created.

Merge Pull Request

  • Merging PR on master will start publish plugins flow:
    • Prepare version number according your latest commit adding format. example: 2.0.0
    • Publish plugin to npm
    • Invoke generation of the manifests according the platform, like cocoapods podspecs.
    • Generate plugin manifest from manifest.config.js
    • Publish plugins to Zapp for platforms that was created.
    • Commit and push latest generated manifest to git
    • Create a tag for your plugin in format @my-plugin-name@2.0.0