
fast routing

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import appoloRouter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@appolo/router';


Appolo Route

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Fast and simple http routing using radix tree


npm install appolo-route --save


import {Router} from "appolo-route"

let router = new Router()
    .get("/test/:param", ()=>"working");

    output = router.find("GET" , "/test/test2");

    console.log(output.params.param) // test2
    console.log(output.handler()) // working



  • useCache - cache the find result by path, default : true
  • maxCacheSize - The maximum size of the cache routes, default: 1000
  • decodeUrlParams - true to decodeURIComponent params value, default: false

Static route

let router = new Router()
    .get("/test/test2", ()=>"working");
    .post("/test/test2", ()=>"working post");

Parametric route

let router = new Router()
    .get("/test/:userId/:userName", ()=>"working");

Wildcard route

let router = new Router()
.get("/*", ()=>"working");

Regex route

same syntax as path-to-regexp

let router = new Router()
.get("/test/:file(^\\d+).png", ()=>"working");


find(method: Http.Methods, path: string): { params: Params, handler: any }

find route by path return object with params and handler if no params found return empty object

import {Router} from "appolo-route"

let router = new Router()
    .get("/users/:userId", (userId)=>console.log(userId));

    result = router.find("GET" , "/users/123");

    result.handler(result.params.userId) // 123

get(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Get Method

post(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Post Method

put(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Put Method

patch(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Put Method

patch(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Patch Method

delete(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Delete Method

head(path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler using Http.Delete Method

add(method:Http.Methods | Http.Methods[], path: string, handler: any): Router

register new Route handler. multi methods supported

let router = new Router()
    .add(["POST","GET"],"/test/:param", ()=>"working");

remove(method:Http.Methods | Http.Methods[], path: string): Router

remove Route by path. multi methods supported

let router = new Router()
    .add(["POST","GET"],"/test/:param", ()=>"working")


reset the router remove all routes
