
Aragon truffle configuration file v4

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import aragonTruffleConfigV4 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@aragon/truffle-config-v4';


Truffle configuration file v4


$ npm install @aragon/truffle-config-v4


aragonCLI >= 6.4.0

Set a private key

For interacting with aragonCLI you can configure a private key in ~/.aragon. Create a file<network>_key.json(eg. rinkeby_key.json) with this structure:

  "rpc": "https://<network>.infura.io",
  "keys": ["put-your-priv-key-here"]

aragonCLI will then use that account if you supply--environment aragon:<network> to its commands.

You can also define a~/.aragon/mnemonic.json file instead of a single key, like:

  "mnemonic": "explain tackle mirror kit ..."