
Library to deploy contracts via the universal deployer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arcadeumDeployer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@arcadeum/deployer';



Deploy contracts using a universal deployer via CREATE2, allowing contracts to have the same address on any EVM chain.

How to use

  1. yarn install @arcadeum/deployer
  2. Import UniversalDeployer into script
  3. Create UniversalDeployer instance
  4. Deploy contracts

An instance number can be passed if multiple instance of the same contract need to be deployed on the same chain. The default instance number is 0, if none is passed.

import { UniversalDeployer } from '@arcadeum/deployer'

const signer = (new Web3Provider(web3.currentProvider)).getSigner()
const universalDeployer = new UniversalDeployer(network.name, signer)

const main = async () => {
  await universalDeployer.deploy('WalletFactory', FactoryFactory)
  await universalDeployer.deploy('MainModuleUpgradable', MainModuleUpgradableFactory)
  await universalDeployer.deploy('GuestModule', GuestModuleFactory)

  prompt.start(`writing deployment information to ${network.name}.json`)
  await universalDeployer.registerDeployment()


You can also pass transaction parameters explicitely :


const main = async () => {
  await universalDeployer.deploy('WalletFactory', FactoryFactory, {gasLimit: 1000000} )
  await universalDeployer.deploy('MainModuleUpgradable', MainModuleUpgradableFactory, {gasPrice: new BigNumber(10).pow(9)})


License: MIT

Copyright (c) 2018-present Horizon Blockchain Games Inc.