
Helper library to attach a websocket server to any express app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import arcblockEventServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@arcblock/event-server';



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Use this package to attach enhance the did-auth process with a websocket server, which accepts sockets connections from browsers and dispatch topic messages to those clients.

Table of Contents


npm install @arcblock/event-server
// or
yarn add @arcblock/event-server


Init Authenticator and Handlers

const ForgeSDK = require('@arcblock/forge-sdk');
const { WalletAuthenticator, WalletHandlers } = require('@arcblock/did-auth');

// First setup authenticator and handler factory
const wallet = ForgeSDK.Wallet.fromRandom().toJSON();
const authenticator = new WalletAuthenticator({
  baseUrl: 'http://wangshijun.natapp1.cc',
  appInfo: {
    description: 'Starter projects to develop web application on forge',
    icon: '/images/logo@2x.png',
    name: 'Forge Web Starter',
  chainInfo: {
    host: 'http://did-workshop.arcblock.co:8210/api',
    id: 'forge',

const handlers = new WalletHandlers({
  tokenStorage: new MongoStorage({ url: process.env.MONGO_URI }),

module.exports = {

Configure Express Server

// Then attach handler to express server
const http = require('http');
const express = require('express');
const EventServer = require('@arcblock/event-server');
const app = express();

const server = http.createServer(app);
const eventServer = new EventServer(server, ['auth']);

handlers.on('scanned', data => eventServer.dispatch('auth', data));
handlers.on('succeed', data => eventServer.dispatch('auth', data));
handlers.on('failed', data => eventServer.dispatch('auth', data));

  action: 'login',
  claims: {
    profile: () => ({
      fields: ['fullName', 'email'],
      description: 'Please provide your name and email to continue',
  onAuth: async ({ claims, userDid }) => {
    try {
      const profile = claims.find(x => x.type === 'profile');
      console.info('login.success', { userDid, profile });
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('login.error', err);

server.listen(() => {
  console.log('server started');

Then on the client

const EventClient = require('@arcblock/event-client');

const endpoint = 'ws://';

(async () => {
  const hub = new EventClient(endpoint);
  const subscription = await hub.subscribe('auth', '2c6e68c5');
  const subscription = await hub.subscribe('swap', 'abcd1234');
  subscription.on('data', data => console.log('token.update', data));