
Chrome DevTools Protocol Driver

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import automationcloudCdp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@automationcloud/cdp';


Chrome DevTools Protocol Driver

See Chrome DevTools Protocol Viewer for all the awesome things you can do with your browser.


npm install --save @automationcloud/cdp


Launch Chrome/Chromium browser

import { ChromeLauncher } from '@automationcloud/cdp';

export const launcher = new ChromeLauncher({
    chromePort: 9123,
    chromePath: '/Applications/Chromium 72.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium',
    userDataDir: '.tmp/chromedata',
    additionalArgs: [
        // add more chrome CLI args here, e.g. --proxy-server or --headless

// Launch chrome
await launcher.launch();

// Graceful shutdown (wait till Chrome process exits)
await launcher.shutdown();

// ... or just send SIGTERM to it

Connect to browser via CDP

import { Browser } from '@automationcloud/cdp';

const browser = new Browser({
    chromePort: 9123,

await browser.connect();
const tab = await browser.newTab();
await tab.navigate('https://github.com');
const h1 = await tab.querySelector('h1');
const { text } = await h1.getInfo();
// Built for developers

Running tests

  • Copy .env.example to .env.
  • Specify environment variables (notably, the path to Chromium browser)
  • Note: you should not use your regular browser for testing, install a separate one which you don't normally use.
  • Note: make sure you don't have test browser running before running the tests.
  • Run npm run dev in separate terminal for incremental TypeScript compilation (in case you want to iterate on the tests or source code).
  • Run npm test.