
TypeScript implementation of GUIDs (v4 UUIDs)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import avolantisTsGuid from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@avolantis/ts-guid';



TypeScript implementation of RFC 4122 GUIDs (UUIDs)

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  • Use with JavaScript or TypeScript
  • Supports node.js and the browser
  • OOP friendly API
  • Can generate collision-proof RFC 4122 V4 GUIDs
  • Zero package.json production dependencies
  • Shipped as
    • TypeScript sources (src/)
    • TypeScript declarations (types/)
    • Distribution bundles (dist/):
      • ESNext modules (esm) targeting browsers and node
      • ES6 modules (esm) targeting browsers and node
      • ES6 self-executing function (iife)
      • ES6 Unpkg bundle (umd)
      • ES6 CommonJs bundle (cjs) for node.js >= v12
  • String comparison rather than number arrays (better performance)


As an npm dependency

Add this module to your package.json via yarn, npm or pnpm:

yarn add @avolantis/ts-guid
# OR
npm install --save @avolantis/ts-guid
# OR
pnpm install --save @avolantis/ts-guid

Then in your program files:

// ES Modules OR
import { Guid } from "@avolantis/ts-guid";
// Common Js require for old versions of node.js
const { Guid } = require("@avolantis/ts-guid");

// Simple usage

// More features
const user = {
  id: Guid.newGuid(),
  name: "John Doe",
  email: "john@doe.com"

// Can be converted to JSON when inside an object
console.log(JSON.stringify(user, null, 2));

// Output:
// {
//   "id": "c959e321-19df-474c-a2e7-df268dbf3998",
//   "name": "John Doe",
//   "email": "john@doe.com"
// }

console.log(`User ${user.id} not found!`);

// Output:
// User {c959e321-19df-474c-a2e7-df268dbf3998} not found!

If you are targeting browsers without Crypto API support, you either need to polyfill this feature, or enable unsafe random generation (deprecated). Polyfills for the Crypto API are not included in the bundles.

unpkg usage

This package includes transpiled and polyfilled code for direct usage via unpkg or skypack in browsers that support ESM features or satisfies the > 0.25%, last 2 versions, not dead browserslist query.

<!-- Browsers with ESM support -->
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@avolantis/ts-guid/dist/ts-guid.esm.min.js"></script>
<!-- UMD -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@avolantis/ts-guid"></script>
<!-- IIFE -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@avolantis/ts-guid/dist/ts-guid.iife.min.js"></script>

<!-- Recommended (target both): -->
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@avolantis/ts-guid/dist/ts-guid.esm.min.js"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@avolantis/ts-guid"></script>

Then in your scripts:

const { Guid } = TsGuid;
// ...


Static factory methods


Generates a new GUID using the generator function. If no generator function is available, it always returns Guid.EMPTY.

Guid.parse(value) (might throw!)

Parses a string value that represents a GUID. Returns the parsed Guid or Guid.EMPTY, if given an invalid value. Throws TypeError, if value is not a string and does not coerce null.

Guid.fromByteArray(array) (might throw!)

Returns the Guid composed of the given bytes.
Throws TypeError, if value is not an Array, it's not of length 16 or any of the values coerces null or not within 0 and 255.

Guid.fromJSON(json) (might throw!)

Parses a json string that represents a GUID state. Returns the parsed Guid or Guid.EMPTY, if value is null or an invalid string.
Throws TypeError, if value is undefined or not a string.

Static methods


Returns true if value is an instance of Guid.

Guid.compare(guid1, guid2)

Compares two Guid-s using locale-specific comparison of their string representations.
The result table:

guid1 < guid2 guid1 === guid2 otherwise
-1 0 1

This is useful when ordering an array of Guid-s, like so:

const arr = [Guid.newGuid(), Guid.newGuid(), Guid.newGuid()];
// Sort alphabetically
// Sort alphabetically in reversed order

Guid.equals(guid1, guid2)

Returns true, if both

  • guid1 represents the same GUID as guid2, and
  • guid1 and guid2 are instances of Guid
const a = Guid.newGuid();
const b = Guid.newGuid();
console.log(a.equals(b)); // Prints false

// DO NOT USE THE '==' OR '===' OPERATORS, as they compare objects by reference
const a = Guid.parse("c959e321-19df-474c-a2e7-df268dbf3998");
const b = Guid.parse("c959e321-19df-474c-a2e7-df268dbf3998");
console.log(a == b); // Prints false, which is WRONG
console.log(a === b); // Prints false, which is WRONG


Determines if a string or bytes array value represents a valid GUID.

Static properties

Guid.EMPTY (read-only)

The Guid that represents an empty (NIL) GUID.


The the generator function used to generate new Guid-s.

Instance methods


this < other this === other otherwise
-1 0 1


Returns true if other is Guid and represents the same GUID as this one.


Returns true if the GUID equals to Guid.EMPTY, otherwise false.


Returns an array of 16 bytes (8-bit unsigned integers) that this GUID is composed of. If missing (ie. not created from a byte array), the bytes are computed once then cached for frequent access. Internal computation of some fields require the byte array value to be computed, these can cause the value to be already cached upon first direct access.


Returns the json representation of this GUID (which is its string representation). This method gets automatically called by the JSON.stringify() method, so usage of the latter is also supported when an object has a field of type Guid. For example: JSON.stringify(user), where user has property id, which is of type Guid, the JSON string output contains the string representation of that GUID.


Returns the string representation of the GUID. The representation is always calculated and available from cache.


Returns the primitive (string) representation of this GUID. This overload allows the use of comparison operators (<, <=, > and >=) with Guid-s. Note that javascript compares strings based on character code order, to preform true alphabetical comparison, use Guid.copmare(a, b) or a.compare(b).

Instance properties

The following values are computed once, then cached for frequent access

variant (read-only)

The RFC variant identifier of this GUID. Example: GuidVariant.MicrosoftReserved
The value of this field determines the layout of the bytes in the byte array of the components in the GUID.

version (read-only)

The RFC version number of this GUID. Example: GuidVersion.V4

The following values are computed on demand (from the cached byte array)

clock_seq_low (read-only)

The clock_seq_low field of this GUID, specified by the RFC. It is an 8-bit unsigned integer.

clock_seq_hi_and_reserved (read-only)

The clock_seq_hi_and_reserved field of this GUID, specified by the RFC. It is an 8-bit unsigned integer.

time_low (read-only)

The time_low field of this GUID, specified by the RFC. It is a 32-bit unsigned integer.

time_mid (read-only)

The time_mid field of this GUID, specified by the RFC. It is a 16-bit unsigned integer.

time_high_and_version (read-only)

The time_high_and_version field of this GUID, specified by the RFC. It is a 16-bit unsigened integer.

node (read-only)

The node field of this GUID. It is an 8-bit unsigned integer array of size 6, representing the 48-bit unsigned integer specified by the RFC.

The generator function

Currently, only one generator for RFC version V4 GUIDs is implemented. PR-s are welcome :)

The default implementation for generating new values uses the crypto API to seed the generation process of V4 GUIDs. However, this can be changed via setting the Guid.generator static property to a different generator function, for example a function, that generates GUID-s sequentially for use with RDBMS.

// A generator function that returns a byte array
Guid.generator = function() {
  return new Array(16).fill(0);

// A generator function that returns a string
Guid.generator = function() {
  return "<here comes a new value>";

If the default generator function is not available due to the missing cryptographic random generator, a warning message is printed to the console. This allows developers to identify this issue on a given platform, and either supply a polyfill or provide another generator function.

The unsafe random generator function (deprecated)

This is only for environments, where the incresaed rate of collisions does not affect data safety. Use this only if you know what you are doing.

Only a cryptographic random number generator is recommended to seed the generation of new GUIDs, however certain JS platforms still does not provide such API. You can explicitly enable a fallback behavior to Math.random() using the supplied generator function.

import { Guid, unsafeRandom } from "@avolantis/ts-guid";

Guid.generator = unsafeRandom;

Issues and Roadmap

See the GitHub issues for more information.

Similar libraries

  • uuid
    The industry standard JS implementation of UUIDs. It is an EcmaScript Stage 1 proposal, but without TS declarations and with a not so OOP-friendly API.
  • ts-guid
    No license, improper random generation and validation, no multi-version support.
  • guid-typescript
    No license and breaking bugs, no multi-version support.
